Chapter 29- The Big Question

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New years eve had come, ponies popping fire works every corner of ponyville, having new tradition of their own. Rarity and rainbow dash were in the castle preparing for something big.

"Ooohh!! Can't wait for the time to come!!! 2more hours?! Aw man!!" Pinkie exclaim jumping so excited "pinkie calm down!" Fluttershy giggle at her mare friend's reaction "but I want to pop all this!! Especially my party canon! Its been so long since I last pop this!" Pinkie said hugging her beloved party canon "I'm sure you'll get a chance to pop that pinkie" starlight said and giggle "I'm with pinkie though, I want to pop my fire crackers" Trixie said while levitating them "hey, had any of ya girls seen rare anywhere??" Apple jack ask "no, well I did earlier, she's with dash" fluttershy said "oh darlings!" Rarity said in a singing way "what's this we seek?" Rarity ask looking at the fire works and stuff pinkie and Trixie had "oh nothing, pinkie and Trixie just want to pop their fireworks already" twilight said "well then, twilight? I might think that rainbow dash need to ask you something !" Rarity said smirking "ok then, where is she anyways?" Twilight ask "oh she is in the park, I believe you know where to find her there" rarity said then twilight head off, apple jack went to rarity and said "hey rare, is there something dash up too?" She ask "oh yes dear, its really a big deal" rarity answer "ya sure you and dash aren't doing anything funny?" Apple jack ask "oh what's this? Somepony is jealous I presume?" Rarity ask smirking at apple jack "what?! No! Ugh! C'mon let's go!" Aj said then took rarity somewhere she would love.

Fluttershy, pinkie, Trixie and starlight giggle at aj's reaction, "well me and flutters gotta go, meet ya guys here later!! C'mon flutters!!" Pinkie yell then grabbed fluttershy and drag her somewhere else as well "well, I better show you something glimmy!" Trixie said as both of them walk off.

Twilight walk to the park, she must be guessing rainbow is in the place where they love so much. Finally twilight arrived, she saw a pick nick blanket, plates, candles, flowers and foods, "what's this?" Twilight ask smiling at rainbow "well, since its new year, I want to have a perfect night with you" rainbow said smiling, twilight walk closer as both of them sat down and start eating.

After eating, they only lay down there watching the starts, they only had 1hour before the new year came in, "thanks for doing this rainbow" twilight thanked "hey, what are mare friends are for" rainbow said as she put her wing behind twilight. Both of them spent their time there until rainbow notice only 5mins left and new year is here, rainbow stood up as twilight look at her "something wrong?" Twilight ask then rainbow look at her straight in the eyes, for this time, rainbow seem really serious "twilight, you and I had been going through hard stuff and been together for so long now, I want to show you I really love you and want you more. Now I think its time..." Rainbow paused, "rainbow are you..." Twilight can't tell what she will do, is she thinking the right thing or not? Then finally her question was answered.

Rainbow brought out a small box then open it "Princess Twilight Sparkle, Will You Marry Me?" Rainbow ask her hoping she would say yes, Twilight had been staring at the ring for long now, it seems that she must of adored the ring. Rainbow was looking at twilight with worried look, she was about to close it but "yes..." She looked up to twilight with shock look "YES!!!" Twilight yell and hugged rainbow "yes I will marry you!!!" Twilight said then let go of rainbow as she put the ring in her horn, the ring match her so well, it was gold and had small magenta stars around shining.

Twilight and rainbow stare at each other, getting closer and closer until they both kiss as fireworks went off. Now it seems pinkie, aj, trixie and rainbow planned same thing. Rarity was squealing so much that she is about to get married. Fluttershy is in tears happy that pinkie propose to her. And starlight who was so shock that she didn't even thought Trixie would propose to her.

As midnight struck, everypony were kissing as fireworks making their night even better. After that everypony went back in the castle celebrating, "I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!!" Rarity yell, she had a ring on her horn, it was silver and it had blue diamonds around, just like twilight but hers is diamond. Fluttershy had a ring in her wing, it was gold and it had gold vines around as a design and starlight had a ring in her horn too, it was silver as well with light blue glitters around. "Wait, did you guys plan all this?" Starlight ask the rest "well yea" rainbow answer "were not going to get married at the same time are we?" Rarity ask as well "of course not silly!!" Pinkie said, the rest sigh, "oohh!! I love this ring so much!!!" Rarity said "this is my most very best new years eve ever, thanks pinkie" fluttershy said and gave pinkie a kiss in the chicks. "Hey, don't I get a kiss from somepony too?" Rainbow ask smirking, twilight roll her eyes playfully and gave rainbow a Peck in the chicks too. Now everypony was happy, they just had their most very best new years eve ever. As they start to party they all went outside to watch pinkie and Trixie pop their fireworks. Rainbow had her wing over twilight watching the two, aj had her hoof around rarity as fluttershy and starlight watch their mare friends being so happy, "I love you" rainbow whisper "I love you too" twilight whisper back then they continue to watch their friends.

A/N: one more chap, part one is done!! Reason I decided to put part two here is because, I don't want this book to end yet!! So I decided to put part two here too, cuz I'll miss writing here if I stop. So bye, don't forget to vote too!!!

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