Chapter 38- Jealousy

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Rainbow's POV~
All of us went back inside, its already 11pm, I don't know why but Twilight seem more mad than before, everyone don't seem to notice. Rarity is laughing with Princess Twilight, Sunset and Fluttershy while Pinkie and Applejack talk about something that cause pinkie to blush for some reason, and sci-twi who is walking madly, I tried to catch up with her but every time I reach her she walk faster and avoid me.

We reach Pinkie's room, everyone sat down, some in the bed, in the chairs and in the floors. I sat down in the floor next to my stuff while looking at sci-twilight who had a mad glare and looking at her phone madly, touching it hard and madly, all that is missing is her phone crack from all of her tapping. "Ah!" Rarity scream that got all of our attention, "what's the matter rare?" Aj ask, seriously? Since when aj call her Rare too? "W-what? O-oh nothing! Its n-nothing!" She said and went back to her phone. I took my phone out and look at the school's news, but there's nothing to scream and to be shock of. I was about to put my phone back when it suddenly vibrate.

You Got 1 Message.

One message? From who exactly? I look at who it was and--- what the heck?! She replied to me?! She could just walk closer to me and talk to me! But she text me! SHE TEXT ME!!!

Text Message: Twilight Sparkle

Twilight: Stop staring at me! Why do you need to stare at me?

Rainbow: Why do you need to text? You could just walk closer to me and talk to me...

Twilight: I don't want to leave my spot..

Rainbow: Want me to go over there?

Twilight: NO!!! No! No need! Its OK! You can just stay there! Don't bother come closer to me! I don't want to... To....

Rainbow: To what?

Twilight: Nothing! Nothing! Just pretend I didn't said anything!

I was about to text back but I saw her closed her phone and put it down by her side, I even saw her sigh and looked at me and look away. Weird, was all I could tell.

Princess Twilight's POV~
I can sense a tension on those two. I could tell there's something not good between them that I DON'T like, I can tell Sci-twi is mad and rainbow is worried for her. "Twilight darling! Are you OK?" Rarity ask "oh yes I am rarity, I'm just concern for rainbow and sci-twi, they seem to be fighting" I said then fluttershy, sunset and rarity look at the both of them and saw they are alone in both sides, "I didn't saw them argue at anything before you came, sci-twi and rainbow is fine" sunset said "don't you think I'm the reason their fighting?" I ask a bit worried "I don't think that's the reason, I could tell there's something else" fluttershy said "they don't fight anyways, they are so close to each other but rainbow is closer to fluttershy and sci-twilight is closer to su--- oh!! I see their problem!" Rarity smirked "THEIR JEALOUS!!!!" rarity yell, all of us was shock when she shout. "Who's jealous?" Pinkie ask "who are ya talkin' about?" Aj ask "how come?" I ask "can't it be?" Sunset said "don't you think that---" Fluttershy cut herself and the three of them realized something "THEIR INLOVE!!!!!" The three of them shout "who are you talking about?! Me and apple jack is out of the topic here!!" Pinkie said while whining "isn't it obvious who?" Sunset ask.

Both apple jack and pinkie stare at each other with a 'Do you know?' Look, then pinkie jumped "them?! As in---" pinkie stop "its the two of them?! In love?!" Apple jack ask shock and also happy "glad you get it!" Rarity said. I look at rainbow and sci-twi who are staring at each other and looking away at the same time.

"I could tell jealousy is leading them" I said, "ooohhh! SoarinDash?" Pinkie teased, all of us look at her confuse, sci-twilight was annoyed and rainbow was blushing mad "what the heck pinkie?!" Rainbow yell "I don't like soarin!! For how many times do I need to tell ya?!" Rainbow ask mad, pinkie only giggle "silly! Don't take it seriously! I was only teasing you to get both of your attention, you two are dead staring at each other" pinkie said, say what? "Jealousy never leaves ya!" Pinkie said "not until you tell the truth" she added, all of us can't understand her. Well she is pinkie, she tell random stuff.

"I'm going to sleep" sci-twi said and pull the covers up, "yeah me too" rainbow said and did the same. All of us look at each other then laugh a bit quite, mostly stopping our laughter. All of us did the same and went to bed.

Sci-Twilight's POV~
I can't take it! I can't take what ever they are talking about but I could tell its me and rainbow who are they talking about. I want this day to be over, I don't want to get closer to rainbow dash, I don't want to! I don't feel comfortable! But I can't stop looking at her, she did caught me looking at her many times and so did I caught her too.

Its already 12:30, I can't sleep. I took my phone and went down stairs to the living room, but I stop when I saw the lights are on, I saw rainbow dash sitting in the couch,  looking at her phone. She was looking at her pictures, from my spot I can't see everything she looks at her phone. She shut it down, and look at nothing, few minutes she open her phone and the password. For real? I don't know her password but now I do! I was shock about her lock screen wallpaper too. It was me and her that we took from the booth.

But the password caught my attention! My god! Her password is ME!!HER PASSWORD IS ME!!! Sci-Twilight Sparkle, seriously?! But I gotta admit, she's my password too. Hehehe, I don't know why but I put her as my password too.

She open her gallery and it was full of pictures of her and..... Me... Is that how many times we took selfies together? I can't help it but smile. I walk downstairs. "Hey, your still up?" I ask, she shut her phone again and turn to me with a smile, "y-yeah, can't sleep, what about you?" She ask "can't sleep too" I said and sat down next to her. Have I ever said that I lo---like her cute eyes? No! Of course I didn't.

A/NHere ya guys! Sorry about this! I wrote this like from 1:25am to 1:57am, so I'm like dyeing from sleepiness that my mind is a bit closed. So bye!


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