Chapter 43- Plan

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Rainbow's POV~

"WHAT IS IT?!" they all ask. "Its nothing!" I said "c'mon rainbow! Tell us!" Pinkie forced "na-ah! No way, you'll know sooner" I said and walk away. I heard they whined.

"Waah! Rainbow dash! That's not fair!" Pinkie said "well it is for me, you all didn't tell me a thing about aj and rarity. I might as well no tell you one of my secret. And after all, its too private" I said. "What are we for you if your not telling us a single secret of yours!" Sunset said. "You haven't tell us another secret for a long time" I said. "Point taken" sunset said. "Well I had only one secret. But I can't tell it, especially when it comes to crush!" I said.

They all got their eyes wide and didn't move a muscle. "What?" I ask "about crush?" Fluttershy ask, "whuaaat? Rainbow Dash. The most cool and awesome person. Most athletic. And also a bit lazy.." Pinkie said. "Hey!" I yell but she only ignored. "Had a crush on someone?!" She ask, she smirk. "Is it..... Soarin?" Pinkie ask, 'eh? Soarin? Again?!' "Why him?" I ask her. She look at me confuse, "if its not soarin then who?" Aj ask. "Ummm its..... " I said. "Its Secret! I'm not telling you who!" I yell and ran away.

"Hey rainbow dash!" Pinkie yell. I giggle about all of their reactions. I went back to the bed room and took my phone and wallet, also I change my clothes. "Where ya going?" Sci-twi ask, "just going to buy an ice cream, you want some?" I ask her, she nod and changed too. Both of us went down and saw the rest sitting in the couch. "Where are you guys going?" Sunset ask. "Going to buy an ice cream" I answer "oh cool! Buy a whole pack rainbow!" Pinkie said. I nod and went out.

Me and twilight only walk to a mini-store. When we got there both of us split up. She went to drinks and cookies and I went to the ice cream and other foods. "Got everything?" She ask. I nod then put everything in the basket. Both of us paid for it. After getting everything both of us went back. "So you have a crush?" She ask, I only nod. I don't want her to know who it is! "How about you?" I ask her, "I have" she answer. "Timber? Or flash?" I ask. She shook her head, "I don't like flash even from the start. His acting weird though. And timber? Oh no! I hate that guy! His crazy!" She said. I only chuckle about what she said.

Wait if she doesn't like those two then who is?

Both of us went back to Pinkie's home and went inside. "OK here's the foods guys!" I yell. I put down all of the food that me and sci-twi bought. Pinkie quickly raced in the table and took some chips. The rest just reach out for the food they want. Me and sci-twi took some cups and spoons.

We went back to the living room and ate all the foods and of course talking and telling random stories won't just go by. The longer we talk the more we enjoy our conversation until...

"Uh hey girls" princess twi called. "About the shadow?" She remind us. Oh geez! I totally forgot! "Oh no! That slip out of my mind!" Pinkie said holding her head. "The plan, isn't easy as it sound. So if any of you all had been keeping in a anger you must release it before we attack the shadow. If not, he might take over you and might as well posses you and also.... Not for long your body will accept him in. He must not get in any one's body or else he'll go stronger and we will totally can't take the power especially you all had magics. He can use it to attack the rest of us" princess twilight explain.

Now who ever had been hiding any anger, she must let it go now!

"This might sound crazy but... One must go inside and make the shadow mad and let him chase you. Make sure you bring him out side the school. Do not let him catch you or else. Even if your not hiding any anger he can still use you. Make sure not to make him reach you just even a little bit." Princess twilight added, she turn to me. "Rainbow dash, you had the power of speed. You must go in and make him mad and take him out. Once he came out everyone must go in place. I'm not sure about this but I think I can make your magic work in the same time. It takes more energy too" she said.

"How will you make our magic work by your self?" Sunset ask. Princess twilight lift her hand. She open it slowly and what is so shocking? her hand is glowing with sparkles around her hand, just like sci-twi's magic, except that hers look like a purple fire ball. "I figure out that I had magic here too" she said. "Just yesterday..." She added.


Seriously?! She had magic?! Well its not shocking to know she had some but in this world?! With no people other than us having magic! How did that happen?! Author, could you explain?!

(A/N: Nonsense! Keep quite! -_-)

Ugh!!! I'm so confuse! How did princess twilight had magic in human world?! Agh!

"Eh?" Rarity said. "You just got your magic?! How?!" Rarity ask. Princess twilight didn't speak, but she gave rarity a 'I had no idea' or 'I don't know' look. Even princess twilight doesn't know the reason why. When will we get answers?

(A/N: *Giggles* never! *laughs*)

Dang this author isn't helping me at all! Waahh! I'm going to scream here! I'm so damn confuse about what is happening right now! What is going on around me! I need answers!

Dang it author don't even bother talking again!

"Where did it came from?"

A/N: sorry I put those stuff! I just had no idea why I even did! I can't stop laughing!!!

Any ways Don't Forget to Vote and Comment!😉😊

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