Chapter 11- Love Is Everywhere

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PS: this chapter only contains Trixie and starlight. I decided that I will add some of my favorite ships here, so if you don't like some of my ship, respect it anyways and deal with it. The mane six will still be here just slight.
Its been one week since the mane six got to be a couples, the rest of equestria knows about them and when they saw the mane six they gave them weird looks, but they didn't care. After one week again the rest of equestria accepted them and got used to it, the mane six was not the only one who was attracted at girls.

So today Trixie was having a new show at ponyville, ponies forgive her and she was accepted as a friend in ponyville and been welcomed.

Trixie was on the park preparing her stage and stuff when suddenly starlight came in "hey trixs!" Starlight said coming in "oh hi starlight!" Trixie greet her back "heard you have a new show coming up tonight, need a help from a friend? Or should I say your assistant?" Starlight ask with a wink at the end, trixie rolled her eyes playfully "yes I could, and I have a surprise for you!" Trixie said and went inside her wagon and came back carrying a cloak with her magic, the cloak look like Trixie's but for starlight was different, it was a bit short that is long as her body and it was violet that color in the same in her mane and stars that look like her mark around in the color of her light blue strike in her mane, and in front was like a gem stone like Trixie's gem stone in her cloak but it was violet as well "wow Trixie! This is for me?" Starlight ask taking the cloak "yes it is! Your wearing it tonight, I ask rarity to make you one" Trixie said "do you like it? I was the one who gave her the style and design, I ask her to make it since I don't know how to make dresses or stuff" Trixie added "like it? I LOVE IT!!" starlight shouted and hugged Trixie. Trixie blush but hug back, they let go of the hug "glad you love it" Trixie said looking on the other side blushing "hehehe, should we start fixing?" Starlight ask "y-yeah! Let's go" Trixie said and brought out a trunk and they start fixing.

Skip through tonight's show>>>
Trixie and starlight was behind the stage preparing, starlight peek through the curtains and saw plenty of ponies and went back "wow, they sure are plenty of ponies outside" starlight said while putting her costume on, Trixie stop her magic from fixing her hat's position on her head and look at starlight "what?!" Trixie shouted and went closer to the curtains and peeked. Trixie close the curtain and started breathing heavily "what's wrong?" Starlight ask "what's wrong?! What's WRONG?! I DIDN'T EXPECT THE WHOLE PONIES OF PONYVILLE WILL BE HERE AND WATCH!!!" Trixie shouted "come on Trixie, its not like your not use to it of plenty of ponies watching you perform" starlight said walking over to Trixie "of course I am!" Trixie said nervously, starlight rose up an eyebrow "are you sure?" Starlight ask while Trixie start sweating and sigh "OK I admit I never saw plenty of ponies watch me perform, its my first time" Trixie said as starlight put a hoof around Trixie's neck "you can handle it after all your The GREAT & POWERFUL TRIXIE!!" Starlight said as Trixie chuckles " not just me, your also My GREAT & POWERFUL ASSISTANT!!" Trixie said "My GREAT & POWERFUL FRIEND!" Trixie added "he he thanks Trix's but we better start the show" starlight said as Trixie nods.

Starlight came out behind the curtains when the light turn on "Good evening ladies and gentle colts! Get ready to get your minds blow of the amazement of the GREAT & POWERFUL TRIXIE!!" Starlight shouted when suddenly *poof!* a lighter pink smoke appears and when the smoke went off Trixie was standing in Starlight's position, starlight was nowhere in front of the stage to be found "Hello Ponyville!!" Trixie greet "are you ready to be amazed?!" Trixie ask when fireworks pop behind her as ponies start cheering.

Skip after the show>>>(sorry can't think of anything else, I forgot)
After the show ponies went their separate ways, Trixie and starlight was left alone in the park, both of them start packing "thanks for your assist starlight" Trixie thanked "of course, anything for a friend" starlight said as she remove the curtains, Trixie look down while levitating a broom "just a friend" she whisper, starlight heard Trixie said something "what was that Trix's?" Starlight ask as Trixie look up and look at starlight "oh uh n-nothing" Trixie said as starlight walk up to her "Trixie is there something wrong?" Starlight ask "n-no! Nothing wrong! He he" Trixie laugh nervously "Trixie are you hiding something from me?!?" Starlight ask again with a glare "what? Me? Hide something from a friend??ha Never!" Trixie said more nervously. Starlight was starting to get very suspicious on Trixie "Trixie I could tell your hiding something from me! Your not acting your self today!" Starlight said as Trixie look down "well you see, starlight I um I I uh t-the truth is t-that I.....*whispers*like you" Trixie whispered as she blush a bit "you what?" Starlight ask not hearing what Trixie said "I... I ..... I LIKE YOU!!!" Trixie shouted luckily they were alone in the park, starlight was eyes widen and left speechless and blushing "y-you l-like me?" Starlight ask still blushing, Trixie nod in response while blushing as well "Trixie I like you too" starlight said blushing even more "y-you do?" Trixie ask with a surprise tone in her voice "ever since we save twilight and her friends and the other princesses" starlight said suddenly she felt somepony kissed her, she went surprise when she realize Trixie kissed her , they both release"I love you starlight" trixie said as starlight smiled softly "I love you to Trix's" starlight said and both of them hugged.

OMG! GLIMMERMOON!!! STARLIGHT GLIMMER X TRIXIE LULLAMOON!!!! 😆😆 CUTE OVERLOAD!!!hehehe sorry,😅 like it?? If you want me to add more of my fav ships just comment 'YES' and I will do it.... Hope you guys love it!!! Ah! Glimmermoon so cute!!told ya I'll update very very very soon..

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