Chapter 35- Welcome Back

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Ever wondered what happen to the shadow on The Shadow Play? Well here's my version for it. By the way this chapter had POV's on it.
At The Castle•
When the girls went out twilight smiled and so did rainbow, twilight walked to the library and decided to read some books but one book caught her attention, it was glowing and buzzing, twilight took the book and opened it and start reading, it said:

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

        There's been a crazy shadow walking around scaring students here in canterlot high, I was wondering that maybe he came in equestria, if you must know anything about him, pls help us defeat him. Our magic wasn't enough to defeat him even our necklaces came in equestria, but there must be some kind of different magic to defeat him. Pls princess help us find a way.

Sincerely Needing Help,
Sunset Shimmer


"A shadow?" Twilight ask her self, trying to remember anything about that shadow, then a memory flashed at her head, the day she met star swirl and the rest and defeated the shadow. Twilight took a quill with her magic and start writing back:

Yes sunset I do, me and my friends defeated him and sent him in a portal but I didn't know that it will lead to your world, so sorry! I'm on my way to help you

  Princess Twilight Sparkle~


"Rainbow!!" Twilight yell as rainbow zoom inside the library "something wrong twi??" Rainbow ask a bit concern in her voice "yes, I'm opening the portal again" twilight said and was about to put the book on the top but stop when rainbow yell "WHAT?!?! Your going back in there?? Again?!" Rainbow ask a bit worried "yes rainbow, there is something we put there and I must stop it at once or it'll destroy that world" twilight said seriously "still can't come, can I?" She ask, twilight frowned and flew in front if rainbow and kissed her. "Don't worry, I won't be there too long. Pls take care of the girls" twilight said and hugged rainbow.

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