Chapter 15- Surprise Visit?

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Its the third day of the princesses meetings "alright! Everypony, looks like our meeting will end tomorrow!" Celestia said with a smile "so, the visitors will arrive in Equestria next month so I'm expecting that the ponies you a sign will do great!" Celestia said "hope so" Luna said "by the way, since our meeting will end tomorrow, why don't you stay here tomorrow and leave next day?" Cadence suggest "well I suppose that will be great, I really missed in here so maybe we could stay" celestia answer. After their meeting was done twilight head to the dining room to eat and went to her room and read.

Few minutes later somepony knocked on her door "ugh! Hope its not that stupid flash again!!!" Twilight said to herself and went to the door and open it "SURPRISE!!!!!" All of twilight's friends shouted "AAAHH!! Twilight shouted "HEY TWILIGHT!!! how are you?! Did you eat?! DO YOU REMEMBER US?!?!" pinkie ask so many as she jumps at twilight "uuuhhh, oh hey pinkie. I didn't expect you guys to come" twilight said as she stands up, twilight look at her friends noticing her mare friends wasn't there "where's rainbow?" Twilight ask while her friends only have some smiles on their faces "TWILIGHT!!!!!" A familiar voice shouted suddenly rainbow burst in at the top of her friends and gave twilight a big hug as they both crash to the wall "ooohhh! I miss you so much twi!!" Rainbow said while hugging twilight so tight "i-i m-miss you..... Too b-but can't b-breath!" Twilight said as rainbow let go "oh sorry, he he" rainbow said as she helps twilight stand and twilight return the hug to rainbow "do you guys wanna walk around?" Twilight ask as her friends nod.

The mane six headed to the thrown room where princess cadence is "hey twilight, oh hello girls!" Cadence said "how are you all?" Cadence ask "were fine, we do miss in here, its been a long time!" Rarity said looking around, celestia and Luna enter the thrown room to see the rest if the mane six is there "princesses!" Rarity said and bow, so did the rest "hello girls, so nice to see you all" celestia said "what are you girls doing here anyways?" Cadence ask "we just wanna stay here with twilight for the day that twilight will be here" fluttershy answer "OK then, I'll let your room get settle" cadence said and ordered somepony, all of them talk abit and the mane six leave and walk around the castle.

All of them was on the balcony enjoying the view, twilight was on their back while the five of them was talking, twilight was happy to see her friends again she was watching them with a smile when flash interrupted her "hey again twilight, I see your friends are here!" Flash said "what do you want this time?!" Twilight ask getting annoyed " I just wanna hang out" flash said as he put a wing around twilight's back and put his hoof around twilight and pull her close to him, rainbow turn around to see flash's wing and hoof was on twilight"I just wanna catch up with ya, and maybe you could tell me abo--" flash was about to finish his words when he got interrupted by rainbow who flew right to his face as his wing and hoof got off of twilight "HEY!! AND JUST WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!?! IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO KICK YOUR BUTT SUPER HARD THAT YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO SIT ON IT FOR A MONTH!!! THEN I SUGGEST YOU BETTER GET LOST RIGHT NOW!!!!" Rainbow shout as flash start running away " YEAH! YOU BETTER RUN AND STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!Hmmp!!" Rainbow shout again, twilight gave rainbow a hug after she shout "thank you so much for getting rid of him rainbow!" Twilight said while hugging rainbow, they turn to their friends who was staring at them with shock expressions "what?" Rainbow ask "uuuhh, you were so loud" fluttershy said "can't believe flash was scare of ya" aj said "I never thought you could be that angry at flash" rarity said still with her shock expression "well..... I sort of hate him" rainbow said while rubbing the back of her head with her hoof "that was so funny!!!!" Pinkie said as she starts laughing while laying on the ground "haha r-rainbow was like 'if you don't want me to kick your butt super hard that you won't be able to sit on for month! Then I suggest you better get lost right now!' Hahaha classic dash!" Pinkie said still laughing "the sun is setting down, do you guys wanna take our dinner?" Twilight as she starts walking and rest follow her "yep! I am really hungry!" Pinkie said while bouncing.

They went to a restaurant and took their order and talked "So twilight, what was the meeting about?" Fluttershy ask "its about some visitors from Saddle Arabia, they will arrive here next month" twilight explain "so whacha plannin' for their visit?" Aj ask "well I was going to a sign you guys, fluttershy? Will you pls let your birds sing?" Twilight ask as fluttershy nod "apple jack, if you don't mind making the foods" twilight said "well ah will be! Of course I'll make 'em" aj said "rarity? Could you decorate ponyville?" Twilight ask "oh my! I would love too darling!" Rarity said really excited "pinkie? Would you pls throw them a party?" Twilight ask "THROW THEM A PARTY?!?! OF COURSE!!!!!!" pinkie shouted as all ponies in the restaurant heard her "pinkie! Quite down!!" Fluttershy said "ooppss!! Sorry!" Pinkie said "so as we were talking, rainbow I want you to perform a sonic Rainboom after starlight and Trixie finish their magic show!" Twilight said while rainbow was jaw drop "i-i get to perform a sonic rainboom?!" Rainbow ask again as twilight nod "yes!!" Rainbow said "wait, starlight & Trixie will perform too?" Ask rarity " indeed" twilight answer, the waitress arrive with their food. The mane six talk when it was about time for them to sleep and all of them head to their rooms.

A/N: yeah I know its boring, I'm just bored so yeah. See ya guys next time! By the way! Were almost at the heart breaking part of the story!

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