Chapter 24- Hospital

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PS: Don't expect rainbow to kiss twilight!!😂✌

Rainbow interrupt twilight before she could speak "twilight, pls I know you don't wanna see me nor don't want me here but pls I beg you, I want you to forgive me!" Rainbow said begging for forgiveness "sorry! But I cannot forgive you anymore! You had your chances but you've waist it!" Twilight said while her voice sounded like it was cracked or broken hearted or even she was about to cry "pls twilight! I want you back! I promise I won't hurt you ever again!!" Rainbow said as she start to tear up "pls! I want you! I'm no good without you! I just want to be with you again and be happy with you!" Rainbow added "look rainbow! You have your soarin! Why don't you ho to him?? Beside! Your gonna be a mother soon!" Twilight said "but I'm not pregnant!! Pls I want you twilight!!" Rainbow said "sorry!! But I cannot accept you anymore!!! YOU HAVE DONE TO MUCH ON ME!!!!!" twilight yell then slam her door "what have I done?" Rainbow mumble as she flew away tears streaming down her face.

•With Twilight•
As she slam the door she lean her back on the door and sigh, she thought about her, twilight sigh again and open the door to talk with rainbow again once she open it she saw Nopony, she heard a thunder and it start to rain heavy, she sigh again and close the door.

•With Rainbow•
While rainbow was flying she kept crying non-stop as she get wet by the rain. She went in to her house wet and did not even bother drying her self, she went in to her room and drop her self on her bed.

•After One Week• With Twilight
One week pass, twilight was so better as she was before, ponies kept her feel happy as usual. While twilight was walking she feel lonely and uncompleted, she knows something was missing and she knows who it was, she even start to think and worry about her "what could of happen to her?" She ask herself and continue walking back to the castle.

•With Rainbow•
One week, rainbow strapped her self on her house, dark inside and messy. She had been crying in her bed, she did the same thing twilight did to her self, except twilight still does eat and sleep. But rainbow? She was making her self suffer, not eating and sleeping she does even cut herself in front of her hooves "come on!!" She yell weakly as she put another wound in her hoof, once she did she just suddenly drift of and darkness filled her view.

Rainbow opened her eyes and saw a white ceiling, she looked around and saw everything was white, the wall was white but the floor was light blue, she saw she was one a white bed and she looked at her side to see a monitor and a blood that was connected on her (sorry forgot what was called again). She was confuse how she got there but her thought were interrupted when a nurse came in "oh hello rainbow dash! Your awake!" Nurse red heart said coming in with food with her "uh, hi?" She said "wondering how you got here I presume?" She ask as rainbow nod "how did I?" She ask "well, all I know is that somepony brought you here, they said she was purple and a pegasi?" Nurse red heart said not sure about her answer a bit.

'Whose that purple pegasi? I don't even think I know anypony with purple skin and a pegasi'  rainbow thought.

"Do you know who it is?" Rainbow ask "not quite, you see everything on her is purple" said nurse red heart "OK... Thanks for the information" rainbow said "anything for my patients, and here's your food, eat up so you might feel better you lost so many bloods by putting cuts on your hooves" nurse red heart said as she walk out of the room and close the door.

Rainbow look down to her food thinking deeply, 'who could that be?!' She thought "ugh! Who could of brought me here?! I wanna die!!!" She said as a tear fell down from her eyes "I wanna die" she mumble "without her I'm nothing!" She said and wipe her tears away, good thing she did cause spit fire just went in to her room. Rainbow look up and saw the other pony she hate "hey dash" spit fire said a bit quite "what are you doing here?!" Rainbow ask rudely "I'm just here to say sorry, and for taking soarin from you" she said "don't care about that jerk!!" Rainbow said "look I just wanna say sorry for taking him, I really didn't know you both were dating.... Its just its been a bit long since you both last came back to the academy, I visit you at your house and soarin open the door, I ask him why he was there but he didn't answer instead he pull me in and start kissing me and push me on your couch and---" spit fire was trying to explain but got interrupted by rainbow "look don't tell anymore, I had enough!" She said "I'm just telling the truth" spit fire said "yea yea I believe you, I was saying don't tell anymore of what happen to you two..... But........ I forgive you" rainbow said with a smile, spit fire got wide eye, "wait really?" She ask "yea, you can have him by your self" rainbow answer "so, your not mad at me anymore?" She ask again as rainbow nod "thanks dash!" Spit fire thanked "its nothing, I really didn't like him that much though" she said "oh, well then, I better get going, hope you heal up soon" spit fire said and left.

Rainbow sigh and start eating, while she was eating she felt so lonely, she only wished she was with some one she loved so much "will she ever forgive me?" Was all in her mind she thought and thought if twilight could ever accept her again "what if she does not.... What if she is happy without me?" She ask herself and felt so so lonely as she did before, felt she had nothing but sad and lonely life.


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