Chapter 50- Transformation

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A/N: Hey guys! The long wait is over! Here's Chapter 50! Enjoy!

Rainbow Dash's POV~


Some one shout, at the same time a big wave of wind explosion happened. It made all of us fell on the ground. It was too blur for me to see because of the smoke around. "G-guys?" I ask but no answers. "Holy mother queen!" I heard pinkie shout, she was looking somewhere and I followed it but I froze of what I just saw.

Princess Twilight transform (pic on top)! Wow... She looks cool!

"W-what?!" Midnight Shadow ask in shock, Princess twilight smirk, "didn't see this coming, did you?" She ask then shoot midnight. Twilight slowly flew down on the ground, "you might took one of our friend... But, we will stand still just to save her" When twilight said that, pinkie, rarity, fluttershy, apple jack, sunset and me float while glowing with our colors. "I know I can't stop you by my self, and I will give up all of my magic just to help everyone in need!" She shout.

A very bright light appear, Pinkie was the first one to transform, Simple yet cool. She was holding three balloons, which its seems like her bomb now.

Rarity was the one next, crystallized weapons was she had, small sword and a fan(whatever that is).

Next was Fluttershy, she had a dress, and a Knopf chops(again, IDK!). Simple yet fierce.

Next was Apple Jack, just a plain outfit as well, but no weapons.

Next was sunset. She was wearing a fire color T-shirt with a black jacket that had holes. She is also wearing a skirt with flame designs and also a black legging with also holes in the sides, her weapon was Flaming blades.

And lastly me, simple cyan shirt and black shorts with a jacket. And my weapon is Daggers and spades, awesome!

"Even if one was lost, we will find a way just to get our friend back" twilight said, "oh? You think she is coming back?" Midnight smirk, "well.. She isn't coming back!" She shout, "EVER!"

"Not on my side!" I said and threw my spade on her. But she dogged it easily, "ha! You missed!" She said, "don't think so.." I smirk when the spade hit her waist. "Agh!" She yell in pain.

"Haha! Take that! And that!" Pinkie said flying around midnight and throwing her balloons. Seems like apple Jack's weapon was just knives. "Ugh! Stop that you idiot!" Midnight yell, "You deserve this!" Sunset shout and the her flaming blade, midnight got hit in her cheeks.

"Getting weak?" Rarity teased, she was about to burry her crystal sword when midnight held her arm to make her stop. "Not this time..." She whisper, just in the count of three, a very bright light appear, also an explosion.... Again.

"Aw... My head.." Rarity whined.

"D-darkness..." She whisper, "Death..." She added, "Bloody..." She said again, "Souls..." She stopped. "Evil upon, RISE!"

"W-what in tarnation is goin' on?!" Aj ask in fear, the ground started to shake, midnight just laughs while her wings grew big, two horns in each side of her head grew as well, her voice suddenly change, her teethe became pointy, and so does her nails, her firing glasses became red, and her eyes as well.

This is not Sci-Twilight!

"Those four words, and the last sentence she said!" Twilight yell, "She's calling the devil upon to rise!" She added. "WHAT?!" We all said in unison, "That's not Sci-Twilight, even midnight nor the shadow!" She said in fear.

"That's the devil...."

A/N: again guys... Sorry for another Cliffhanger, and... Short chap too..

You all see I'm not much active in here in Wattpad for this past months, for you all see.. After 2weeks maybe, schools days here will end. But of course I'm not happy cuz me and my classmates will part ways😢 I think you know what does it feel...

I'm just spending the remaining days with my classmates that's why I'm not much active in here. In short, I'm not much using my phone that much AT SCHOOL, like before... Also, WRITER BLOCK AGAIN, but I can take it! Lastly, Next week will be our Periodic Text, oh pls let me pass!

And finally, I think you all notice I don't update like, Once or Twice a week like before right? Well yeah... Technically, my reason for that is, SCHOOL. But hey no worries! Vacation will be here after two weeks! Yey(insert sarcastic)

And oh! I updated the cover of this story! I hope you all liked it! It only took me like, 1min to make that hehe..

So that's all guys, Thanks! Pls do wait for the next Update! Love you all😘❤ ~GayleStar4

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