The One I Love: Final Chapter

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Narrator's POV~

"Do you really have to leave so quick?" Pinkie pouted, "He he, sorry Pinkie, you know that k have a kingdom and family to take care in the other world." Princess Twilight said.

Today is time for her to leave. All students are gathered in the school to say good bye to her. "Thank you, Princess Twilight for all the help." Principal Celestia thanked. "You are welcome, Principal Celestia." She said, She turn to everyone and wave goodbye. "Bye everyone, I'll see you guys next time." Princess Twilight said, then everyone hugged her.

When everyone let go, she step her one feet to the portal, then wave goodbye and hopped in.

*At The Castle

"Hey, Rain!" Sparkle Dash called, "What?!" Rainbow Sparkle answered, irritated. "What are doing?" Spark ask, "Reading as always!" She answered. "Pch. Nerd!" Spark said then roll on the ground and lay on her sister's back, "Hey, Spark! Quit it!" Rain said, "Nah, I'm bored." Spark said, "You are always bored! Not get off!" Rain said, then open her Alicorn wings which made her sister jump in shock. "Hey! Don't do that!" She shout, "That's what you get when you lay on me when I'm reading! Haha!" Rain laugh. "Oh really?" Spark ask, then bend a little, then jump to her sister causing for the both of them to hit the wall.

"Hey!" Rain shout. The door of the library open, "Hey girls, is your mother back?" Rainbow ask, "Mom! Not yet!" Spark said still fighting with Rain. "OK, ok, stop that now." Rainbow said.

She is really worry for Twilight, she hasn't come back for 1 week now. "Ahhh!" Spark shout when she felt her sister's alicorn wings again. Yep, she is afraid of it for some reason. "Rain! I told you not to get your wings on me! Its creepy!" Spark yell, "Bleh!" Rain teased.

Sparkle was about to jump at Rainbow Sparkle once again, when someone came out from the portal. Twilight. "Mother!" Both of the girls shout, "Hello... Miss me?" Twilight ask them with a kiss in their forehead, "heck yeah we do!" Rain answer.

"Don't k get a kiss as well?" Rainbow ask while pouting, Twilight giggle and gave Rainbow a peck in her lips.



Both Sparkle and Rainbow said. You can tell who is screaming and being disgust. "Pch. Sparks, I know you want to do that to--- hmm! Hmm!" Rain didn't got a chance to finish her words when her sister cover her mouth. "Rain! Shh!" Spark said. Rain only giggle and nod.

Now they are finally complete. One big happy family, together with Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Sparkle Dash and Rainbow Sparkle.

*The Other World

Everyone is finally back to normal. Eventually, Sunset is all Alone. Yes, she is with her friends but she can't relate, Twilight and Rainbow hugging each other, Rarity fixing Apple Jack's hair and Pinkie and Fluttershy playing with each other.

Sunset rolled her eyes. She wanted to shout 'PDA!' (Public Display of Affection) to her friends.

She was about to play with her phone instead when her eye caught three girls, walking towards their school. They look so familiar.

"The..." She said trying to remember who those girls are, and when realization hits her, "THE DAZZLINGS!" She suddenly shouts that she caught everyone's attention.

Whispers are now everywhere. 'What are they doing here?' 'They're back!' 'Are they here to ruin us again?!' 'What do they want this time?!' 'Did they had another new pendants?'

"What are you three doing in here?!" Sunset ask rudely, the others are just behind her. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Before you do something, we are just here to... To, enroll again, we won't make any troubles. See? We don't have any new pendants, we can't go back to Equestria. We are just here to make peace." Adagio nervously said.

"We don't want any Trouble. We swear, ever since, The Rainbooms, which is you guys, when you defeated us we didn't bother do any Troubles." Aria said, "And now we know why Starswirl vanish us from Equestria..." Sanota said.

"We swear, promise!" Adagio said. "Fine then, but if I ever saw you three do any troubles around here, I won't think twice to kick you out of here." Sunset said.

Sunset walk out but before she turn around, she saw Sanota and Aria are holding hands, unlike before they always argue. And Adagio? Well, she blushed just when Sunset approached them.

"Omg! Sunset talk to me!" She heard Adagio. She was so curious about that so she ran to Adagio and held her hand then she had read her mind. When Sunset let go, she saw Adagio blushing and also confuse, "Uh? What was that?" Ask Aria.

Sunset quickly drag Adagio to somewhere. And when they reach the back of the school, Sunset didn't waste anytime to ask. "You like me?" She ask, she saw how Adagio's reaction was, Shock, Nervous and Confuse. "W-what? Me? Haha! Why w-would I?" She ask. Sunset raise an eyebrow, "Don't lie to me, I can read your mind. Now tell me, do you really like me?" She ask again, she saw how Adagio blushed so hard. "Y-yes." She answer, Sunset smile then quickly gave her a kiss then left.

On the other hand, Twilight and Rainbow can't stop hugging each other. "I'm so happy that you're mine now." Rainbow said smiling then kissed Twilight in the cheeks.

(Emeged... Twidash, >∆<)

"And so I am." Twilight said. She really is happy that she is now in a relationship with Rainbow dash. She can't imagine, that in the end of the battle, that's where she and rainbow dash would confess their feelings for each other.

Twilight hugged Rainbow while they watch the other students play, having fun and bonding with their friends.

Twilight felt someone sat next to her, it was Rarity, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight smile while looking at her friends. Even if Sunset don't have a partner, they still hugged like They are her partner. Finally, Sunset found hers, Fluttershy and Pinkie stayed Strong, Rarity and Apple Jack finally got the chance to tell them about their relationship...

And lastly, Twilight and Rainbow Dash, who never left each other. Twilight hugged Rainbow dash from behind and lean her chin in Rainbow's head.

Twilight's POV~

Finally! Everything is back to normal. All secrets were revealed. And I'm thankful, that I didn't loose one of my love ones. Yes, I did lost Midnight but I still feel she is her, with us, with me. I'm so thankful for having friends like them, a girlfriend like her.

Finally, they had found The One They Love.

And I'm happy also, that I found, The One I Love.


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