Chapter 34- Bond Together

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It was night time, everypony was with their own group, the little girls were in rainbow sparkle and sparkle Dash's tent since they had the biggest one. All of them were laughing, especially sweet pie who had stomachache because of laughing so hard, " Party! Pls s-stop! I'm gonna pee!! Haha!!" Sweet pie said it seems that party animal is tickling her with her wing, party animal stop and giggle "that's what you get for pranking me earlier with sparkle!" Party animal said "OK OK! I won't do it anymore!" Sweet pie said even though she would still do it "you girls really need to be prepare if you don't want to get pranked by sparkle" rainbow sparkle said "yeah, she did prank me twice at the castle, I just saw a box in my bed and when I open it a pie hit my face and I saw it was from sparkle" Seraphina said then she heard sparkle laugh as she gave her a playful glare too "hahahaha!!! Yeah that time! You even almost blow up your room!! Haha!" Sparkle laughed "that's why I learn my lesson never accept one of your silly prank box!" Seraphina said then fluttershy came "girls cmon its time to eat dinner" fluttershy said and went out.

The girls went out of the tent and saw their parents sitting around the fire "cmon now" twilight said then rainbow flew above them "so why are you all so loud inside?" She ask "just having fun" rainbow sparkle said then they all sat down. After eating the rest of the girls head back to the tent, "look at that, their bonding how cute" twilight said looking at their tent seeing their shadows "yeah, we should really do this sometimes" fluttershy said.

Few hours later, "OK my little ponies! Time for bed" twilight said getting in her tent "OK!" The girls said then went to their tents and sleep.

Each pony went out of their tent yawning and stretching, but pinkie and sweet pie went out normally energetic, "had anypony slept well?" Twilight ask looking at her daughters "I almost did but sparkle's snoring is ruining it!" Rain said "hey! At least I was only snoring! You were even sleep talking!" Sparkle said then they both heard everypony giggle as rain gave her a death glare "he he, OK stop already before you two kill each other" twilight said then she and rest start cooking while the girls sat down and start talking.

"So you snort? And you talk while sleeping?" Sweet pie ask with a grin as the two glare at her "he he, sorry! Sweet pie said. A few more hours of staying there they all start packing, "alright, everypony had your own stuff?" Rarity ask "yes!" They all said "c'mon! Time to leave" starlight said as they all start walking while some flies.

When all arrived to their own home they all unpacked as the young ponies ran out and met in sugar cube corner. "Hey guys! Glad you make it!" Sweet pie said "well look at that! The sparkle's children is here! What food do you girls want?" Pinkie ask "just a chocolate shake pls" rainbow sparkle said "I'll take a pasta!" Sparkle said then the rest look at her "what? They had that!" Sparkle said then pinkie giggled "he he, for the apple children?" Pinkie ask again "just an ice cream" apple diamond said "I'll take a slice of Apple pie" crystal said "the glimmer children?" Pinkie ask too "just a slice of chocolate cake" Seraphina said "just a um uh, just a fries?" Tiana said not sure about her order "your orders will be serve in a few minutes!" Pinkie said then left then party animal walk over to them "howdy party!" Crystal said "hello" she said plainly quite as her mother does "hi party" rainbow sparkle said then party animal sat down, so does sweet pie "so, what stuff are we going to do after this??" Sweet pie ask excitedly, "hmm, maybe.... Um I dunno though, I don't even came out of the castle that much" rain said "same" sparkle said "soooooo, wanna go to the theater later?! They had the show called 'The Mare Of Death'!!" Sweet pie said "whoa! They had that out?" Sparkle ask as pinkie serve their food "thanks" they all said "yes!! I wanna watch it badly!!" Sweet pie said "I don't know, its so scary!" Party said "well I wanna watch the show called 'The Love Of The Shadow'" rain said "ooh! I wanna watch that one!" Diamond said "me too!" Party said "then its settle! We will watch by our own" rainbow said then they ate.

After the ate they went to the theater and watch what movie they want, as they got their ticket, they went to the movie theater where the movie was set, then the movie start with each room.

1hour Later~
The movies are down, the four girls went out screaming of how sweet the movie they watch, while the four shiver and scare of how scary the movie was "how's your movie?" Rain ask while grinning "haha very funny!" Sparkle said "was it scary?" Diamond teased "no it wasn't!" Crystal said "was it bloody so much?" Parry teased as well "it wasn't bloody!" Sweet pie said "was it terrifying?" Seraphina ask "no its not!" Tiana said "then why are you shivering??" The four ask in unison "uhh... No comments!" The four said then they spent the day together until night time came and they went home.

A/N: sorry for a short and boring chapter, writer's block hit me, and I'm writing some chapters in my draft stories so when I published it it will be done already or few more chapters. So bye!!!

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