Chapter 5- Continuing the Slumber Party

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The mane five woke up except rainbow in unison, rarity yawn "good morning darlings" rarity said in a sleepy voice "good mornin' rare" aj said with a yawn in the end "hey girls" twilight said with sleepy voice and yawn "hi! Morning!" Pinkie said with a sleepy tone "morning" fluttershy said in a her usual smooth and quite voice "is rainbow dash still sleeping?" Rarity ask "yeah she had a double nightmare last night" twilight answer looking over at rainbow "yeah, she and twilight was about to ki--" pinkie was saying but got interrupted "pinkie!" Twilight cut her off "'bout to?" Ask aj "n-never mind..he he" pinkie said "should we wake her up then?" Fluttershy ask "we should or she won't taste the sweet breakfast I will make!" Pinkie said "you will cook?" Ask rarity "yeah!" Pinkie answer "ok I'll wake her up, you guys go ahead" twilight said while getting off of her bed "ok darling" rarity said as she and aj and pinkie and fluttershy got off of their bed and head to the door but pinkie stop next to twilight first "are you two gonna kiss??" Pinkie ask with grin as twilight sigh in annoyance "no!" Twilight answer "oki-doki-loki!!" Pinkie said and bounce out of the room leaving dash and twilight alone. Twilight walk to rainbow's bed and waked her up "dash?" Twilight said while shaking dash "ughmm, what time is it?" Rainbow ask while sitting up "its 8 in the morning" twilight answer "did you sleep well?" Twilight ask sitting in the bed "not much" rainbow said "oh? Why? Still having a nightmare?" Twilight ask "y-yeah" rainbow answer "wanna talk about it?"ask twilight "uh um uhh" rainbow was to shy to talk about her dream as the reason is about twilight getting her heart shutter in peaces "n-no no its fine" rainbow said and again they stared in each others eyes and getting closer and closer and much more closer than before and close their eyes and tilt their head a bit and about to kiss! But before they could they were interrupted by pinkie who entered the room as twilight and rainbow got their eyes open and stayed in their position and blush "oh sorry was I interrupting?" Pinkie ask with a smirk "uuuhh n-no! No at all" rainbow answer still blushing "oh ok~ I just want to say that breakfast is ready" pinkie said as twilight and rainbow got off of the bed blushing and went out of the room while pinkie is standing at the side waiting for twilight as rainbow got out blushing and walk straight to the kitchen "oh were eating in the thrown room" pinkie said as dash nod and went to the thrown room. Twilight got out of the room too and stop right next to pinkie"are you sure you both are not gonna kiss?" Pinkie ask with a smirk as twilight glared at her annoyed and still blushing "oh shut up!" Twilight said and start walking "try to think you didn't see any of it!" Twilight said and pinkie followed twilight.

~At The Thrown Room~
"Here's the food darlings!" Rarity said showing the foods "oh that looks delicious!" Rainbow said and sat on her thrown "oh wow it look good!" Twilight said and sat to her thrown too and so did the rest "dig in everypony!" Pinkie said as she start eating a pile of pancake "mmm! Pinkie this is so good! What did you put in it?" Fluttershy ask as pinkie blush a bit "oh just some special thing in each of our pancakes!" Pinkie said "what is it sugar cube?" Aj ask "I put some special flower on fluterrshy's, a special apple slice on aj's, a special tiny gem cookies on rarity's, a special rainbow powder that I made in rainbow's and a special magic sprinkles in twilight's!" Pinkie said "don't worry those ingredients I put was not just special I made them by love!" Pinkie said "aaww pinkie that's so sweet!" Fluttershy said as she make pinkie blush "oh is some pony blushing?" Rainbow teased "uh n-no I am!" Pinkie said "ahehe ok pinkie" twilight said "but I might say pinkie dear! This pancakes are nothing but absolutely divine!" Rarity said "heh thanks!" Pinkie said. They all continued talking when they finish their food "ahh I'm full!" Rainbow said "yeah! Me too!" Aj said and brought their plated in kitchen sink "so do you guys want to make this sleepover going?" Twilight ask "oh I would love to dear! Is it ok If I come back later? I forgot to clean my boutique when I left yesterday" rarity said "sure I don't mind" twilight said "oh me too! Mrs cake told me that maybe after this sleepover I will watch the baby cakes for 4hrs!" Pinkie said "ah would like to check on the farm and finish 5 chores" aj said "I should feed my animals" fluttershy said "sure thing girls, what do you say? Should we keep it going?" Twilight ask "sure" they said "how bout you rainbow don't you have anything to do?" Twilight ask "I need to feed tank and take him a little bath" rainbow said "ok girls! Starts at 5!" Twilight said "ok" they a said in unison.

Skip at the time the mane 5 leaves>>
"See you later darling!" Rarity said while waving bye "see ya"bye" later twi!" Was they all said and left.

~at sugar cube corner~
"Why hello pinkie! How's the sleep over?" Mrs. Cake ask "it was fun!" Pinkie answer "mrs. Cake what time will you be back?" Pinkie ask " around 4 deary, is there something wrong?" Mrs. Cake ask "nope not at all! Me and my friends will continue the slumber party!" Pinkie said "oh! Is that so deary? Well you could go!" Mrs. Cake said and head in the kitchen as pinkie went to her room and lie down on her bed "aahh! Can't wait for the sleep over! It might be my time to tell how I feel about her " pinkie said "what should I give her???" She ask herself and start thinking "I know!" She said and stand up and went to her closet and brought out a box and pull out a small chest and open it as it shines in a color of gold/yellow "this would be the perfect give for her! I hope she would like it and like me back" pinkie said and close the chest and put it on her beside table "pinkie deary! We're leaving pls watch the two" Mrs. cake said "oki-doki-loki!" Pinkie said and went out of her room.

~at sweet apple acres~
"Howdy sis! How's the sleep over?" Ask the little filly "it was fun sugar cube" aj answer as they both start walking to the barn "hey sis? Is it ok if I could go on a sleep over with the crusaders?" Apple bloom ask "why sure sugar cube! Where ya sleepin'?" Ask aj "at sweetie belle's" apple bloom said "well ok then sis" aj said as she and her sister got in and aj went to her room and close the door "ok aj tonight is your time to tell your feelings!" Aj said and look under her bed and grab a little chest in the same size as pinkie but in different shape, aj open it as a lighter blue color shine from the inside as aj open it "this sure do it!" Aj said and put it in her saddle bag and went down stairs and do the rest of her chores.

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