Chapter 39- Wrong Thoughts

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Rainbow's POV~
Ever since I woke up, I feel something strange, like something is watching me. Every time I look at my back no one is behind, sometimes I caught one of my friends except sci-twilight, sometimes I caught them all and giving me excuses. 'What are they planning?'

I'm on my way to Pinkie's bathroom, but I can sense someone is behind me, I turn around with my eyes closed feeling annoyed too, "what is it this time?" I ask a bit annoyed "what do you mean?" She ask, I open my eyes, I thought who it was it was only sci-twilight. "O-oh uh nothing, I thought it was one of our friends following me again" I said then her eyes got wide "did you said following you ?" She ask, I only nod but then she quickly drag me inside the bathroom, "what are you---" I didn't get a chance to speak, she covered my mouth with her hands and signaling me to be quite, "be quite" she whisper, I only looked at her confuse, "they're following me too, ever since last night!" She whisper-shouted, 'wait a minute! All of them are stalking us?! What for?! Don't they know us so well that they need to stalk us?!' I can't understand, "why do they need to?" I ask, she only looked at me saying she doesn't know "may we get out now? I'm getting hot" I said, I'm starting to get sweaty, I only lied about that it was hot, her face is so closed to me!! All that is missing is her lips hit mine! I don't understand her, the bathroom is wide, why does she need to be so closed to me?

She let go and both of us went out only to see our friends with smirks, even princess twilight, "what?" We both ask, "tell us! What did you two did in there?" Pinkie ask with a smirk, 'They didn't think that we did something, did they?!' , I looked at pinkie confuse, "we didn't do anything" twilight said and walk away. All of them look back to me with a smirk, "tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" Pinkie said excitedly, "what am I suppose to tell ya?!" I ask a bit annoyed "what ya and twilight did inside the bathroom?" Aj said "what?! We didn't do anything!" I said "you sound defensive, and sweaty and red? I don't think that you two didn't do anything" pinkie tease 'seriously?!' "Guys! What did you all eat this morning?! That made you think so.... So... Dirty! Plus! We were only there for like 3-2mins" I said, I look over to sunset, "mind reading my mind so this conversation can end now?" I ask annoyed, all of them look at her, she had no choice and touch my forehead, she remove her hands and look at the rest, "anything?" Rarity ask "all clear, they didn't do anything" sunset said a bit sad, all of them whined and some of them was stomping their feet "geez! I thought you did something!" Pinkie whined, all of them start walking back to the living room "come now, the foods are ready" rarity said.

All of us walk to the living room and saw foods in the table. All of us sat down and awkward was upon us. No one bother talking or even do anything but eat. Sci-Twilight was done eating and excuse her self and walk upstairs, I look back to the rest looking at each other. I only gave them a confuse look, pinkie just then ran upstairs so quick, I look at the rest, "what was that about?" I ask, they only look away.

I was dome eating so I excuse my self too and walk upstairs to the room, I wasn't really looking where I was going so I didn't notice I tripped on something, "Whoa!!" I yell and fall. I opened my eyes and shock to see I'm above Twilight! She look at me and I look at her, I don't know how long we were in that position until, "Ehem" pinkie faked cough "Don't you had any plan to stand up?" She ask, I stood up and so did twilight, "s-sorry" I said "its OK" she said back. Twilight walk back down, so it was only me and pinkie left in the room. "Oohh! Better show this to the rest!" She said while looking at her phone, "what's that?" I ask "nothing! Your not allow to see it!" She said, 'why not?' , I only left her alone, I know she won't show me.

Both of us walk downstairs, while she giggles, once we were down she jump, "Guys! Take a look at this!" She said and show to the rest except me and sci-twilight. I was about to sat down next to sci-twilight when all of the sudden, "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" They scream.

"Omg! They look cute!" Rarity squealed "Take more shots of them!" Sunset said, "Cute Over Load!" Fluttershy yell for the first time, "Ah want more photos of them" aj suggest. "So Cute! I want more too" Princess Twilight said. "Don't worry! I'll take more! In fact! Its easy this time!" Pinkie said then o heard a shot of a camera, "there!" She said then they scream again.

"What are you guys even---" I didn't finish what I was saying when pinkie showed me the picture, it was me and sci-twi earlier at Pinkie's room, the time I fell on her!! I try and grab her phone but she only get it away from me "pinkie! Delete that photo now!" I said, "what were they doing there anyway?" Rarity suddenly ask, "fell on each other and stare at each other, I hate to interrupt their moment but they've been there for like 5mins" pinkie said '5mins! Seriously?!' "Aww!" Fluttershy whined, I just want this day to end!!!!

Sorry for a lame chap! And a slow update! Sorry guys! Exam here is starting, and I need to follow up my projects that I didn't passed before so it was a tiring week.

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