Chapter 12- Trip To The Crystal Empire

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The next day after Trixie's performance starlight and Trixie ask if twilight and her friends are available today to go in twilight's castle, they said they need to tell them something. "So what is it??" Pinkie ask "w-well you see we wanted to tell you something that in case you guys might be even happy" starlight said "well we are happy, is there something that could make us even more happy?!" Pinkie ask excitedly "pinkie calm down" fluttershy said as she chuckles "well you see m-me and starlight are n-now d-dd-dating" Trixie finally finished, the mane six was wide eyes to know that they are not the only one who attracted at girls "oh my dear!! That's absolutely delightful!" Rarity exclaim "oh my! I feel even more happy to know that we are not the only one who like girls" fluttershy said "well ah mighty say! That's the best news you two ever given us!" Apple jack said "I'm so so proud of you two!" Twilight said "thanks" starlight thanked "THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!!!" Pinkie shouted and brought out her party canon and pop it.

Skip after the party(cuz I'm lazy, a bit right now-lol)>>>
After the party everypony part ways to their home, starlight and twilight was left in the castle. "I'm glad you and Trixie are together" twilight said sitting down on a couch "heh, thanks" starlight thanked, suddenly spike burst through the doors "TWILIGHT!!" he called out as twilight got off of the couch "what is it spike?" Twilight ask "I got- you- letter- wait lemme just--*burp*" spike breath out a green fire and turns to a letter, twilight took the letter and read it, it said:

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

        I need you and the other princesses to go on the Crystal Empire for an important meeting for our special visitors from Saddle Arabia, they wanted to visit Equestria. Be at Crystal Empire at Friday, and we will be there at least one week. Congratulations with you and rainbow and your friends by the way hope your love with rainbow will last long.

                         Yours Truly,
                        Princess Celestia

Twilight read it aloud for starlight and spike to hear, "so wait, your going to the crystal empire?" Starlight ask "yeah" twilight answer "better tell your friends then tomorrow huh?" Spike ask "apparently" twilight answer again.

Twilight called her friends to go to her castle to tell the news she received last night "so what is it twi?" Rainbow ask "well you see, on Friday I need to go to the crystal empire for a important meeting with the princesses" twilight explained "how long will you be there darling?" Rarity ask "at least one week" twilight said " a week?!" Rainbow shouted a bit "y-yeah, sorry dash I got nothing else to do" twilight said putting a hoof around dash "oh! That will be so long" fluttershy said "why do you even need to be in crystal empire for at least one week?" Pinkie ask "well I have no idea either" twilight said "so your leavin' tomorrow?" Aj ask as twilight looked at rainbow "yeah" twilight said sadly.

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