Chapter 19- What's Going On?

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Rainbow was confuse on why fluttershy just flew away from her. Rainbow then just continue walking to twilight's castle. She knock then the door went open revealing twilight. Rainbow was shock on what twilight said, twilight just slam the door as rainbow left, pinkie saw her flying away "Dashie wait! " she called out but she ignore her.

•With Pinkie•
Pinkie bounce out of the sweet shop, she was just hopping around ponyville and on her way to fluterrshy's cottage. She decided to visit twilight first to see how she is doing after being so busy doing princess stuff.

Pinkie stop when she saw rainbow standing in front of the door, she heard her knock then twilight came out. She heard everything on what they said, she was also shock to hear everything, soon rainbow flew away "Dashie wait! " pinkie called out but she was ignored "what happen? " she ask her self.

Pinkie walk all the way to fluterrshy's cottage, she stop and knock.

Knock Knock!

The door open revealing fluttershy with worried look "hey fluttershy... Are you OK? " pinkie ask "oh hey pinkie yes I am, come in" fluttershy step aside and open the door wide to let her mare friend in, both of sat on fluterrshy's couch "hey fluttershy do you know what's happening? " pinkie ask as fluttershy nod "about rainbow and twilight is it? " she ask making sure as pinkie nod "well it started when I was just following five baby bunnies----" [Hehe cliff hanger >:)]

•With Rarity and Apple Jack•
" apple Jack darling don't be such a baby! You need a break! And I say we should go to the spa! And I'm sure there's nothing that could ruin our time! " rarity said as apple Jack sigh in defeat "OK ya win! " apple Jack said and that's when they both saw rainbow walking so sadly "rainbow darling? Are you alright? " rarity ask "ya OK sugar cube?" apple Jack as as well, rainbow didn't answer or even look at them she just ignore them and continue walking. Rarity and apple Jack look at each other with a 'what was that about' look.

Rarity and apple Jack ran up to rainbow and ask her "rainbow dear, is there something wrong? " rarity ask but she didn't get any reply "sugar cube did somethin' happen?" apple Jack ask but she didn't get any response as well. Rarity and apple Jack look at each other once more with worried looks "darling, if there's something wrong you know you could always tell us, after all were your friends  we will help you with your problem" rarity said but still no response, apple Jack was starting to get annoy "OK rainbow what the hey is up with ya?! " applejack ask with a bit annoyed and mad tone in her voice.

Rainbow stop walking and look at both rarity and applejack "just leave me alone!! And quit following!!! I don't want to talk to anypony right now!  So just STAY. AWAY. FROM. ME!!!!!! " rainbow shout angrily and flew away really fast. Rarity and apple jack look at each other with sad, worried and confuse looks.

"what do you think could happen to her? " rarity ask as apple Jack just gave her a 'I don't know' look. Rarity and apple jack went to twilight's castle to talk to her in case twilight knows what happen and what's up with rainbow dash.

They arrive in the castle they knock and wait for a response, the door open a bit only to see twilight's eye "uh hello twilight dear! Are you OK?" rarity ask as she notice twilight's eye was all red and puffy clearly she was crying but why?? "sugar cube... Are you crying?" apple Jack ask but she didn't said anything, apple Jack and rarity look at each other really confuse on why twilight and rainbow are acting so strange, "twilight is there something on with you and rainbow? " rarity ask still twilight didn't speak, twilight just close the door and locked it "OK somethin' is totally not right and somethin' is totally wrong with twilight and rainbow! " apple Jack said noticing something was so wrong "let's visit fluttershy in case she must know everything " rarity said.

On their way they saw spike, Trixie and starlight walking "rarity! Apple Jack! " starlight said "starlight darling Thank goodness, do you know what's going on with twilight and rainbow? " rarity ask as starlight look back at Trixie and spike "no... Last night she just lock the whole castle, the doors, windows and even the door in the balcony was locked! Me and spike were out and we were lock out so we crash at Trixie's wagon for the night" starlight explain "somethin'is totally wrong" apple Jack said as they all continue walking to fluterrshy's cottage.

•With Pinkie and Fluttershy•
"THEY DID?!? "pinkie ask shock as fluttershy nod in response "I know, it's so unbelievable. I don't even think they would do that and--" fluttershy was about to finish her sentence but she got cut off when both of them heard a knock on the door.

Fluttershy stand up and went to the door and open it, then she saw spike, starlight, Trixie, apple Jack and rarity standing in front of her with worried looks "oh hi everypony! What brings you all here?"fluttershy ask "why hello fluttershy dear, you don't mind us coming in? " rarity ask as fluttershy nod and let them in.

All of them sat in the living room and talk "do ya guys know what happen to twilight and rainbow? " apple Jack ask as fluttershy and pinkie look at each other then turn back on everypony else then nod.

"what happen? " starlight ask "well last night I was just following this five baby bunnies---"

Cliff hanger!! I've been meaning to do that... So anyways here's the chapter hope you all loved it! Bye!

Important Question to Dear Readers:
Hey everyone! For those who have read the story called "The Homosexual and Bisexual " do you guys still have that story?? Cuz it just suddenly disappear on my current read on my private library, so I've been meaning to ask if any of you still have it, If you do pls tell me the author's name or maybe you have follow him tell me his name pls, his story was so good! I can't even find it! So pls in case you guys follow him or still have his story pls tell me his name! That's all thank you if you help me!

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