Chapter 31- I Want Something

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PS: So okey, you might think this chapter is familiar to some story called "Twidash Book 2: Motherhood" by chaos lord, I got this idea on his story and decided to copy few stuff, don't judge me!! Its hard to think of an idea ya know! So I will change some so it won't look like it that much. ON WITH THE STORY!!

Its been two years since everypony got married. Everypony is having the best life ever. Rarity lives in Sweet Apple Acres and sometimes help around the farm but always out to her boutique to do her work, pinkie lives with fluttershy and leave early to go on Sugar Cube Corner and help around, Trixie move in in the castle which twilight gladly welcome her and rainbow who move to twilight's castle too which she sell her cloud home long ago and earn some money for some reason.

The other two couple was out and to Trixie's wagon doing something, spike was out on a date with scootaloo. Rainbow walk around the hallway looking for her wife twilight and saw her in the library reading, "there you are twi! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Rainbow said coming in "oh rainbow, don't you ever get use to it? If I'm not in the living room, bath room, mane room, out side or in our room I'm just here in the library as I said I would be" twilight said not taking her eyes off the book "yeah..." Rainbow said "uh, twilight?" Rainbow called as twilight look up "um I want something" she said shyly "what is it?" Twilight ask "i-i want a..... Filly" rainbow said "seriously? Rainbow you know raising a filly is a lot of work, do you really want one?" Twilight ask as rainbow nod "OK.. Will go to the orphanage tomorrow" twilight said "no! I want a filly made from us" rainbow said "rainbow that will be wonderful but you know there isn't even a spell for that" twilight said sadly "but there must be a way" rainbow said then their friends came in "hey y'all!" Apple jack said "oh hey guys" rainbow said "hello darlings, what are you talking about?" Rarity ask "rainbow wanted a filly, not adopted, but made from the both of us" twilight explain "you want a filly?! Cool! We were here just to ask you that! Zecora came by the Sugar Cube Corner earlier and I ask her if she knew any spell or potion to make a filly and she said yes!! She said if we want to get one we should go to her right away!" Pinkie said jumping up and down "yeah, Trixie kept on saying that to me one year ago" starlight said "but question though, who is Zecora??" Starlight ask "she's a zebra who lives in the Ever Free Forest and knows so many stuff about making potions" rarity said "OK, shall we go then?" Starlight ask as they all nod and went to Zecora's hut.

After the long walk and the long freak outs of Trixie, they finally reach Zecora's hut, they knocked and wait. "Oh hello my pony folks, pls do come in" Zecora said with her rhyme "I see a new pony that I haven't seen before do I?" She said "uh, hi zecora I'm starlight glimmer and this is my wife Trixie Lullamoon" starlight said a bit nervous "why hello my friends, I never knew somepony would know me that I don't know them" she said "so I believe you are all here for a potion that I presume?" Zecora ask "yeah we are" twilight said "pls take a sit with your pair and I will fix my stuff" zecora said and went out for a minute and came back fixing everything.

She put a small table in front of the couples and one wooden cup for each, she went to starlight and Trixie and said "now all I need is a spit and a piece of your mane then I can fix this mix, after doing those I need you two to put your horn in one by one and start your magic at once" she said then went to rarity and apple jack, "from this, I need your spit and a piece of your mane, after doing so I need you miss rarity to put your horn in and start your magic" zecora said and went to the next couples, "now, I want you two to spat on the cup, put a piece of you mane and miss fluttershy, I need you to put one piece of your feather in" zecora said then went to the last couple, "from this cup, you two must spat on it, put pieces of your mane, one piece of your feather then princess twilight you must put your horn in and start you magic" zecora said.

After doing what zecora said she took all cups and went to her witchy bowl thing, she first pour Trixie and Starlight's in the bowl and start mixing, after finishing she kept on doing one by one and return it to the four couples. She gave Trixie and Starlight's potion with a color of light purple and cyan, with rarity and aj's body color in the bottle she gave it to them, to fluttershy and pinkie was pink and yellow and with twilight and rainbow is purple and cyan, "now, one of you must drink the potion and must drink it all" zecora said as everypony start arguing.

"Starlight give it to me! I'll drink it!" Trixie said using her magic to get it "no! I'll not let you go through pregnancy! You drink this, you won't get to do any magic shows for months!" Starlight said using her magic to get it away from trixie as she stop reaching for it and gave up, then starlight drank it.

"Apple jack darling! Your bucking apples! You are working! You are doing chores! You are not allow to do those while pregnant!" Rarity said using her magic to get it away from aj "I'm stronger! Your stressin' and it ain't good for the child!" Aj said trying to reach for it "I'm only stressing! But its more bad for you to get pregnant while bucking apple!!" Rarity said as aj stop in defeat again then rarity drank it up.

"But flutters! You can't take it!" Pinkie said with a whining sound "no pinkie! If you drink this your not allow to jump! Do parties and more what you do!! Its bad for pregnancy!" Fluttershy said "it is?" Pinkie ask "yes!" Fluttershy answer "fine! Drink it!" Pinkie said as fluttershy drank it.

"Twilight! Give it!" Rainbow said "no! Want to drink it? Then don't fly much, don't do stunts and don't clear the sky while your pregnant!!" Twilight said as rainbow was about to drink it but stop "what?! Don't fly?! Don't do stunts?! For how long??" Rainbow ask "more than one month!" Twilight said "more than one month?!" Rainbow yell "yes! You won't get to fly much, do stunts, do your job and you won't be able to practice with the wonderbolts for more than even three months!" Twilight said as rainbow gave the potion to her "fine!" Rainbow said as twilight drank it all up.

After the four drank they all heard zecora laughing then stare at her "oh I'm so sorry for my reaction, for I just can't stop my laugh from all your reactions" zecora said and start laughing, well mostly sounded like giggling. After that everypony said goodbye and left and head home.

A/N: YEY!!!! FIRST PART OF PART TWO IS DONE Y'ALL!!! BYE!! CHAP 32 COMING SOON!!!! And sorry about how zecora talk, I did my best to try and do some rhymes, my favorite rhyme that I made was "oh I'm so sorry for my reaction, for I just can't stop my laugh from all your reactions", so that's it bye again!!!

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