Chapter 9- First Date

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•The Next Day•

It was 10 in the morning. Rainbow was planning on taking twilight on a date today. She flew out of her cloud house and went to twilight's castle and knock.

*Knock knock*
"Coming!" A voice inside said while foot steps can be hear walking closely to the door, the door open and twilight was there "oh hi dash!" Twilight said "hey twi!" Rainbow said back "what's up?" Twilight ask " uuhh I j-just came to a-ask i-if y-you want to go o-out?" Rainbow stutter "you mean like a ......... Date?" Twilight ask "y-yeah" rainbow answer when twilight kissed her on the lips and release "I would love too" twilight said "great! Be back after 5mins!" Rainbow said and kissed twilight in the cheek and flew off. Twilight closed her door and prepared, after 5 mins somepony knock "coming!" Twilight said and walk to her door and saw rainbow standing there with flowers "for my princess!" Rainbow handed twilight the flowers as she smell it "oh lovely!" Twilight said "shall we go?" Rainbow ask as twilight nod and both of them took off. Twilight was following rainbow while rainbow lead her the way, they landed in a peaceful place, beautiful view with flowers around and Nopony could interrupt them. They walk to a tree where under it was a pick nick blanket and basket, both of them sat together "wow rainbow! This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen here in ponyville!" Twilight said and kissed rainbow in the lips as she blush, twilight let go "of course anything for my marefriend" rainbow said, rainbow brought out the foods and drinks that was on the basket and both of them ate. After eating they stayed there for a bit staring at the beautiful view while twilight's head was on rainbow's shoulder and rainbow's wing was around twilight's back "isn't it beautiful?" Twilight ask "yeah, but its beauty is nothing compare to yours" rainbow said which she make the purple alicorn blush "thanks dash, your so sweet" twilight said and kiss her. Rainbow and twilight spent the rest of their day in ponyville, then it was sunset, they went to a hill where they will be alone and could see the view of the sun setting down. They sat at the top of the hill and watch it, when it was nightfall rainbow brought twilight in the highest cloud in the sky "wow rainbow! Its pretty up here! You could see the whole ponyville!" Twilight said while looking down at ponyville "that's not all you will see its pretty" rainbow said, twilight look up to her with a eye brow rise up "what do you mean?" Twilight ask confuse when rainbow point up, twilight look up and saw the stars clearly nothings blocking each star no birds flying through just shining stars in the beautiful nightfall sky "rainbow, this is beautiful! How did you know we could see the stars clearly up here?" Twilight ask "heh just found out" rainbow said, both of them lay down on the cloud watching each star while rainbow's wing was around twilight "they are sparkling just like you" rainbow said and made twilight blush again "rainbow your so sweet" twilight said and peck her in the lips "thanks twi, I just want you to have a great day" rainbow said "oh rainbow being with you is even more than just great" twilight said and both of them stare into each others eyes, rainbow put her hoof above twilight's, both of them kissed then let go, twilight put her head next Dash's shoulders and spent the night together.

A/N: Hey guys! I know its short, I got nothing else to think of and add... Hehehe sorry I'll bring the next chap in no time, again sorry its short.

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