Chapter 48- It Beggins

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Sci-Twilight's POV~

We are back again in the school. We came 8pm in here. For sure no one will be around the school in this time.

"Are you sure he's still alive?" Sunset ask. "I am more than sure he is." Princess twilight said

If he is, then let this battle begins.

The temperature suddenly changed. All the leaves in the ground were blew by the wind, my hair does. A lighting zap in front of us, cause for us to go backwards.

We heard evil laughs. Shadow.

"You came back." He said. I revealed him self. He got his wings and horns.

"Why? Not happy to see us?" Rainbow teased. "On but I am. I'm more glad to see you.... Dead." He throw again towards us a black shards.

We all dogged the black shards. Better dogged all. We must not get hurt all else, our plan will fail. "Stop avoiding!" The shadow yell. "What?! You want us to catch the black shards?! Catch them on you're own!" Pinkie shout.

"You little---" the shadow didn't finish his words when rainbow dash jump at him and.... "Rainbow dash what the hell are you doing?!" I yell. She is trying to hurt the shadow on her own hands!

"Get– of me you – agh!" The shadow yell in pain when rainbow dash just bury a dagger on him. Rainbow dash fell from the Shadow's back. I ran to her and hold her, "you OK?" I ask her "yeah I am.." She answer. "Aaagh!!!" The shadow yell loudly.

I saw Crystal shards went to the shadow, fiery blades, spiky chains, exploding balloons and a vine whips hit him too.

Me and rainbow dash went away from the shadow. I made a star and throw it to the shadow and when it hit him, it exploded which cause the ground to shake.

"Sci-twilight! Help me over here darling!" Rarity yell out. I ran to her and help her.

Rainbow Dash's POV~

When Sci-twi left me, i can't help it but to think of a crazy idea that surely it is dangerous. I look at the rest who are all busy with the shadow. I took the chance and ran away.

"Sorry about this..." I said "but I had no choice and its the only way to save you all..." I said. I made a dagger with flames. I felt it gets hotter and hotter. "What the--- Rainbow dash dont---"

I didn't heard anyone. I throw the flaming dagger to the shadow. Which it was a big mistake!

"Twilight no---" I didn't finish my words when it exploded right to her. No... It made a Huge impact and made me fell to the ground. I made a barrier to protect my self. "No no no twilight no..." I said. "Pls be OK pls be OK..." I look through my barrier but I can't see anything but smoke. I remove the barrier, smoke around.

In the middle of the smoke, I saw six barriers. It must be the others. I walk around hoping to see twilight but I didn't, "twilight no..." I mumble. "What have I done?"

"Rainbow dash!" I turn around when I heard Princess twilight's voice. "Are you OK?! Are you hurt?!" She ask me, "I'm fine..." I said, plainly. "Rainbow!" Pinkie yell and ran to me and hugged me. "You're OK!" She hugged me tighter but I didn't mind. "W-where's Twilight?" Ask fluttershy.

The smoke already fade away and we can see the surroundings. Its a mess. Holes and cracks on the ground, broken wood and stuff around but no sign of the shadow and mostly.... No twilight.

"T-twilight..." I can't help but loose my strength. "W-where is she? Is she OK?" I ask the others but they only look at each other. "I didn't saw her..." Rarity said, the others nod as well. No. It can't be! This is all my fault! This can't be! We can't loose her! I can't loose her!

"Hey dash calm down..." Aj said, "calm down?! How am I suppose to calm down if I don't even know what the hey happen to my---- friend?! Tell me! How am I going to calm down?!" I yell at her. I didn't mean it, but I can't help it. Its my fault that she's not here!

"We will find her. She is just around here somewhere" princess twilight said. "I'm sorry..." I can't help it! "Sorry for what dear?" Rarity ask, "I'm sorry. Because of me and my stupidness I've cause, all this... Its my fault twilight is gone. I should of just follow by the plan. I just think of an idea and I thought if I sacrifice my self instead everything will be fine, but it only gone worst. I made everything go worst" I said as tears run down from my eyes. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, "its fine rainbow, we know you're just trying to help" sunset said. "We know you want this to end, and so do we" fluttershy Hugged me. "Its fine Dashie! She's not gone, she's still here, somewhere. She is fine" pinkie hugged me too. "It was nice that you want to sacrifice rainbow dear, but it was OK. You just want us to be safe, that's just you, you are too loyal." Rarity smiled at me. "Whatever happen, we, you're friends will help you, its no ones fault twilight is not here." Aj said. "Is OK rainbow, twilight is still fine. She is not gone." Princess twilight said. "But how are you guys sure she is still alive? I almost kill her with my flaming dagger which it explodes right to her" I said, they look at each other with worried looks.

They should be mad at me. They should blame me for everything. They should hurt me. I don't deserve to be love by them, be cared by them, be protected but them, or be living my life. I want to be gone now, if there's no twilight...

I'm Nothing. I'm Useless. I'm worthless. I'm empty without her.

"Mwhahaha... How sweet you guys are having a group hug without me?"

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A/N: The picture on top will be Rainbow Dash, Princess Twilight, Rarity, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie and Fluterrshy's look. I'll just post Sunset looks in the next chap.

If you are thinking what about Sci-Twilight? Opx, its a secret.

And by the way, thanks for the ideas!

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