Chapter 28- Hearts Warming Eve

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Two weeks passed since rainbow was in the hospital, her wing still hurts a bit but she can still fly, but she can only fly for 1hour. Hearts warming eve had arrived, ponies decorated their town and some was helping decorate twilight's castle.

Rarity and rainbow dash were on a shop trying to buy something, "so darling, have you pick the right one?" Rarity ask looking at rainbow who was having a hard time to pick what she will buy "ugh! I haven't, its to hard to pick, I mean, everything is beautiful!" Rainbow said as rarity took a glance at the items "ooh, I think that one is her style" rarity said as she point at the item "really? You do know that's your style!" Rainbow said giving her a glare as rarity giggle nervously, rainbow roll her eyes and look at the items again, finally something caught her eye.

The item was shining and shimmering in the light, it was beautiful and it totally had twilight's unique style, "I believe I found the right one!" Rainbow said "I'll take this one pls!" Rainbow said as the sale pony took the item and put it on a small box "would you like me to wrap this?" The sale pony ask "oh no" rainbow answer, the sale pony gave her the box as she pay it.

Rainbow and rarity walk out of the shop and was walking right into twilight's castle "now, if you don't mind me asking, when will you, you know brought it out to her??" Rarity ask smirking "hmm, maybe at new years eve?" Rainbow answer, well not quite sure about it "well darling it is the best day to do" rarity said "um, hey rarity? You don't mind me helping for it?" Rainbow ask "oh my diamonds!! Glad you ask dear! Of course I'll help! I've been dying to help do preparations for this kind of event!!" Rarity said smiling, seems their planning something big.

They arrive in the castle as both of them were greet by their friends, technically rainbow hid the box from twilight, "hey guys!" Pinkie greet them "hello darlings!" Rarity greet them "where were you two?" Twilight ask as rainbow began to sweat "um uh we were at the uh..." Rainbow can't think of an idea until rarity interrupt "oh we were in the uh, Trixie's place!" Rarity said "uh y-yeah right!" Rainbow said "but Trixie is here" twilight said pointing towards Trixie who was talking to starlight "uh, no wonder there was no one home he he" rarity laugh nervously, twilight nod and lead her friends to the kitchen.

Everypony went in "alright girls, take a sit" twilight said as the rest sat down "so! What's in the menu?" Pinkie ask smirking "oh pinkie!" Twilight giggle then start her magic, then all of the sudden foods start to pop out in the table "whoa!" Rainbow said "you made this all for us?" Fluttershy ask smiling "well, technically, it was pinkie who cooked but I help her out!" Twilight answer then starlight and Trixie came in "hello twilight!" Starlight greet "hello princess!" Trixie playfully greet "hey girls, your just right in time, take a sit" twilight said as both took a sit "ooohh, this look yummy!" Trixie said then twilight giggle and said "well, since you all had been staring the foods I suggest you guys start eating" then all of her friends took some food of what they want to eat.

After eating everypony part ways, but still in the castle. Rarity and apple jack are in the balcony enjoying the view. Pinkie and fluttershy were walking on the hallways having a great time together. Starlight and Trixie are in the mane room where the Christmas tree was placed, taking a look at the huge tree. And of course twilight and rainbow are in the library reading a new book of daring do called 'The Crystal Stone Of Life', "whoa! Daring do met cabaleron again and became what?!" Rainbow said shock at the story "well it did say cabaleron was hit by a love potion by zorora" twilight said giving the point to rainbow "ew! Geez this part of the book stink!" Rainbow exclaim "well you can't stop what's going on on the story since this is a real life story" twilight said "but she didn't have to put this one!" Rainbow yell "well, if she skip a part then we won't know what's totally going on" twilight said glaring at rainbow "yea yea, whatever. Whoa!! Daring do found a six pointed star with a lightning bolt?! Cool! It even had a picture.... Which looks familiar" rainbow said looking at the picture, which totally looked familiar "lemme see" twilight said then look at the picture "wait, isn't that my mark and your mark? Joined together??" Twilight ask, which it really was their marks together "note: I found a crystal with two similar ponies mark joined together, the mark of the princess is the six pointed star having a three colored lighting bolt below which is own by a pegasus with rainbow mane" twilight read it loud and was shock to know "OK now what's totally going on?!" Rainbow ask "one way to find out" twilight said as they both head to daring do's house.

Twilight and rainbow made it to daring's house and knocked then wait for her response. The door open revealing a.k yearling which it was just daring do "oh hey guys, come in" she let the two in then led them to her living room and sat down "so what bring you guys here?" She ask "well you, were here to ask what's up with this book?" Rainbow ask showing the book "you didn't finish it did you?" She ask "uh, no. We didn't cuz-" twilight was speaking when daring do interrupt her "cuz you didn't like the part where cabaleron was hit with a love potion by zorora and fell in love on me, did you?" She ask them "what? No! Well yes, but that was not it!" Rainbow said "we came here to ask about this" rainbow said and show her the picture where their mark was on "oh, that! That's the Crystal Star Bolt, without that you two won't have your strength to reach your goals right now, and without it, equestria won't have balance if the two special ponies won't met and be together" daring do explain leaving the two in shock "what?!" They ask "yea, it even had this other Crystals" she showed them and they saw a butterfly shaped balloon crystal, a crystal apple and a moon with a star on it "this picture is the Crystal Butterfly Balloon, this one is the Crystal Diamond Apple and this one here is the Crystal Moon Star. This crystals are owned by ponies too, which is your friends who is couples" daring do said then twilight and rainbow was shocked again. Soon after a lot of explaining twilight and rainbow head home and said goodbye to daring do.

A/N: So hey guys, I wasn't suppose to put those stuff about the book of daring do, the title is owned by me, Zorora is my oc too, sorry about that part, that was just the thing came out of my mind.

So anyways about the announcement I was about to give, you see I decided to put the part 2 of the story here in the book too, as you can see, the title change a bit saying "The One I Love Prt 1&2 {TWIDASH}", if you check it you have probably checked the description too. I add the description of the story of part 2. So that's all, I'm going to introduce you guys their daughters after part one is done, actually only 2 or 3 more chapters I guess then part one is done then part two begins.

So that's only the announcement so practically this story will be the first time ever and longer story of all TWIDASH stories.

So yeah, bye! Pls vote some chapters to!! Thank you, bye readers!!!

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