Chapter 17- New Sonic Boom

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Weeks had passed the whole Equestria was ready for the special visitors of Saddle Arabia.

The visitors went to canterlot where princess celestia was a sign too. They have adored the place and love every single thing, "oh princess celestia! Your place is absolutely wonderful! You don't mind we visit Cloudsdale first? We really do wanna see what it is in Cloudsdale " one of the visitors said "well of course Queen Glacia!" celestia said,while they were looking around celestia was writing a letter to twilight to go and make the ponies in Cloudsdale prepare. Soon they were all heading next to Cloudsdale.

•at Cloudsdale•
Soon they have arrived in Cloudsdale, they landed on the cloud and saw twilight with her two other friends "Princess Twilight Sparkle!" The queen said "hello Queen Glacia! Are you all ready to see the amazing places around Cloudsdale?" twilight ask as the visitors nod, twilight, fluttershy and rainbow were touring the visitors around Cloudsdale soon they all have reach the part where the wonderbolts and some pegasi were performing, "wow I never seen any pegasi perform like this! " a colt said from the visitors. They a finish their visit to Cloudsdale soon they all headed to Ponyville.

•at Ponyville•
They all arrive in ponyville and they saw each houses in each place were decorated by some ribbons, gems, streamers, lights and more "wow.. " said one of the visitors, they all heard someone's tummy were probably hungry "sounds like someone us hungry, let me take you to sweet apple acres,their foods are delicious " twilight said and lead them to sweet apple acres, soon they all eat and enjoyed the food. After they were done twilight led them to the sugar cube corner and let them ate some sweets "your town have great cooks princess twilight! " queen Glacia said, after they ate they went where pinkie was and fluttershy. Fluterrshy's birds start singing the most beautiful song and pinkie start to make them smile. Soon they were finish with the party and they headed to the park were ponies are and a stage. Not too long the show had start,"welcome to the magic show! Get your mind ready for the great and powerful Trixie!!! " starlight shout and same entrance Trixie did from her last show "ladies and gentle colts! Are you a ready to be amaze? " Trixie ask and ponies start shouting and screaming. The visitors love the show especially the ending part and then fireworks pop off "this town is absolutely great princess twilight! " queen Glacia said "oh you all haven't seen our ending part of your tour yet! Just give me second! " twilight said and left. Twilight went where rainbow was and saw her all nervous and scare "rainbow what's wrong? Are you OK? "twilight ask putting a hoof around rainbow "no! I can't perform a sonic rainboom! "rainbow said shaking in fear "why?" twilight ask "I can't do it in front of plenty of ponies and some special visitors! " rainbow said "it's OK rainbow I'm here, I know I can't do a sonic boom but I will fly with you" twilight said and kiss rainbow in the lips, twilight release "I think I feel better now, you sure you will fly with me? " rainbow ask as twilight nod "c'mon let's start" twilight said and both of them start flying to the sky.

Twilight and rainbow flew higher in the sky where they can see the whole ponyville "ready? "twilight ask, rainbow gulp and said "ready" then both of them start flying down so fast while holding each other hooves, then out came of nowhere ponies heard a loud boom and they all look up to see a new sonic boom. Ponies stare at the sonic boom seeing a round circle rainbow with a six pointed purple star in the middle and they saw two trails the other one was made out of rainbow and the other was made out of violet, lighter purple strike and a pink trike. "is that rainbow and twilight?! "fluttershy ask in shock "OMG!! THEY JUST MADE A SONIC STAR RAINBOOM!!!! A NEW SONIC BOOM!!! "pinkie shout "oh my dear! That is the most spectacular sonic boom I ever seen! " rarity exclaimed,then they all saw rainbow and twilight landed together, they all look up and saw a rainbow with twilight's mane Color was around it, they all look back at twilight and rainbow then they all scream "best sonic boom ever!!! "pinkie yelled can't move on on the new sonic boom twilight and rainbow made, ponies,the princesses and the visitors went in circles around twilight and rainbow saying 'best performance ever' and more,  celestia then walk to them with a smile "oh twilight! You and rainbow just made the visitors day even better! " celestia said then pinkie ran in front of twilight and rainbow "I took a picture of it!! Wanna see?! " pinkie ask then show twilight and rainbow the sonic boom they just made, rainbow and twilight was jaw drop by the sonic boom they made "was this part of your plan sugar cube? "aj ask as twilight shook her head "I just decided to help rainbow since she was ne---" twilight was cut of when she a cyan hoof covering her mouth "since I want twilight fly with me! Hehe" rainbow said and chuckles nervously then rainbow remove her hoof when she saw the visitors walking towards them "princess twilight! Your town is absolutely wonderful! Especially that thing you two made was spectacular!" queen Glacia said "thanks!" twilight thanked then the visitors were off to Manhattan.

Finally I have a chance to update this book! Took me long enough! Since I have nothing else to do this afternoon I decide to update it! So bye for now my dearest readers!!! Queen Glacia is my oc she is a princess's and she is an alicorn too I just decided to make her a queen and she also look like celestia but she is all like a snow pony.

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