Chapter 21- Learning A New Spell

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One week had pass ponies in ponyville started to notice that they haven't seen Rainbow and Twilight even one time in a seconds.

Rarity, apple Jack, pinkie pie, starlight, trixie and spike started to get worried on what happen to the two broke up ponies and start wondering on what will they do.

"what do y'all think happen to those two? " aj ask "probably crying and hiding in their room... " Trixie said sounding like she was bored "how can we check both of them? Twilight's castle is lock rainbow's house is in the air and only fluttershy can go there" starlight said "you do know we can just ride a air balloon to rainbow's house right? " spike said "oh yeah... " starlight said as she blush in embarrassment  " well let's go to rainbow's " aj said as they all went to get a air balloon.

When they got one all of them ride in except fluttershy who was just flying, all of them went to rainbow's house and knocked but thy didn't get any answers. They knock again and again but still no response, they decided to enter her house and tried to open the door but it was lock so did the windows, the windows were all shut with the curtains covering the inside "well what now? " pinkie ask then starlight got an idea "well.... We all could teleport inside both rainbow and twilight's house but we are just too many I need help with the teleportation" starlight explain "I need rarity and Trixie to learn that spell" starlight added.

All of them head back to ponyville and went to a small library and search a spell book.

Pinkie then found the book and gave it to starlight as she open the book to the page where the teleportation is. "alright, here it is, let's borrow this and start practicing the spell" starlight said as they got their permit of borrowing the book and head to rarity's house.

•At Carousel Boutique•
Everypony went in, "alright, the way to teleport is to think of the place you want to go, for example ..." starlight pause as she teleport her self next to fluttershy then teleport back at where she was standing before "you could also teleport an object, the way to do it is to think at the object you will teleport and think where you will teleport it" starlight explain then teleport a Monique then teleport it back "you could also teleport anyone " she added as she teleport spike next her then teleport him back "everything is the same" she said "now let's practice, Trixie I want you to teleport next to spike and rarity teleport next to apple jack" starlight order as both of them start their horn then try teleporting, they did teleport but not in the place where starlight ask them to go. Rarity was on the dressing room and starlight was outside "oh dear I did it! But....  Not the place you said" rarity said as she came out "wrong place.... "trixie said then went in "this is gonna take a while " starlight said.

•At The Park•
"alright let's do it again, Trixie teleport over that bench and rarity teleport over there" starlight point to the place where rarity was going to teleport, then both rarity and Trixie try teleporting, Trixie almost did it but she was just next to the bench, rarity accidentally teleport apple Jack to the place where starlight ask her to go instead "oooopppsss! " she said "well, you pass that, teleporting someone but not teleporting you" starlight said looking at apple Jack then look at Trixie, "your almost there Trixie!" starlight said "yeah! Almost there! But still not that good enough! " Trixie said "let's try on a quite place so you two could focus" starlight said then they all headed outside ponyville next to the everfree forest.
Starlight ask the two unicorn to try teleporting by focusing "now try and focus on the place you wanna go" starlight said as Trixie and rarity start their magic, they had their eyes close and their magic on the go that's when rarity teleported herself next apple Jack and Trixie next to starlight "I did! I really did it!" rarity exclaim "ah! I learned a new spell!!!!" trixie yelled "YAY!! "they all yelled with joy.

They a went back to ponyville and start planning on who will they visit first and for some reason they pick rainbow first. They got another balloon and hop in except fluttershy and went to rainbow's house.

SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!!! BEING BUSY AT SCHOOL!!! and sorry for some wrong and missing words at the last chapter! So this is it! Sorry again if it's a bit short so well yeah! That's all bye readers!

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