Kill Ari (1)

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We all return to NCIS squad room, but unlike early there is no laughter or joking, we're in mourning. I want my sister back, I want to start over, I don't know who to live without her. I am sitting on the morgue table next to my sister.

"Kate, you can't be dead. I need you," I cry as there is a ding in the background but I can't hear it. All I can her is Kate's body hitting the ground and her body, not moving. Never moving, not ever again.

The morgue is dark, but there is light entering from the hallway outside, I never bothered turning the light on, I didn't even releaser that it is dark. My fear leaving me in my shocked state, just looking at the bag carrying my sister, my best and lonely friend. Ducky enters the room and hangs up his umbrella, with his coat and hat. The door hiss closed behind. Ducky moves to the slab and opens the body bag on it, without even seeing me as he opens Kate's bag. She looks like she's sleeping because I closed her eyes, she need them closed. He turns on the light about her and just gazes at her body for a moment. A look of pain and sorry on his face. When he looks away with a sigh, he sees me sitting there looking at my big sister, the only family that clam's me.

"Oh, Caitlin. I am so sorry," Ducky say to her before looking at me and saying, "Alice you shouldn't be here. Not for this."

"She shouldn't be alone. She might need something," I mumble without thinking about it. She needs something, her life back.

"Alice, head up to the squad room. You don't want to be here for this," Ducky say to me softly while coming to stand in front of me.

"She can't be along."

"She won't be. I'll be here until you return with Ari's body," Ducky promise which makes me get up before I do something I have never done before, I hug my father. I need someone to hug me, someone with my DNA, Kate is the only one with my DNA that's ever hugged, and I have to change that.

"Want do I do know Ducky?" I cry to my father.

"You live for your sister," Ducky informs me before leading me out of autopsy.

"Some birthday," I mumble. Kate dies and it's my birthday, she was going to make me her famous cake, a cake I'll never eat again. Along with her bad cooking, she might not be able to cook, she can bake.

"Go on," Ducky orders me while calling the elevator and placing me on it while he returns to my sister.

I arrive to the squad room to see Gibbs sitting alone in the dark, just like I was. I quickly walk over to him, he doesn't look up when I arrive but he does grab my hand. I almost lean all my wait on his shoulder when the elevator door opens showing McGee and Tony leaving and walking to us. Both of them are soaking wet making me look sadly, what a great weather, we're in mourning and it's raining. That's too fitting, but I guess it doesn't just happen in the movies.

"Found Ari's sniper's nest, boss," Tony reports more businesslike then I have ever seen him.

"Roof of the abandoned office building to the east," McGee adds to the report while Tony takes the evidence back from his inner jacket pocket, showing three bullet casings.

"Didn't police his brass," DiNozzo say as Gibbs gets up and circus's his desk leaving me on my own. He takes on of the evidence bag from Tony and holds it under his desk lamp.

"They're Lapua. 308s," McGee informs Gibbs making Tony give him a look, "I... I didn't mean that you couldn't see that, boss."

"I can't, without my glasses," Gibbs admits with a shrug. Making Tony and McGee exchange looks, that's not Gibbs, Gibbs continues, "Lapuas. Match-grade sniper ammo. You guys find any bullets?"

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now