Head Case

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"NCIS!" Gibbs shouts as he run into the chop shop during the night.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Jones, one of the chop shot workers, exclaim in surprise.

"FREEZE!" Ziva orders them.

"Hands in the air!" Tony orders them.

"Okay. Okay. All right. All right," Hobie, another chop shop worker, exclaims.

"Cuff them!" Gibbs orders us.

"Against the car. Assume the position!" McGee orders them.

"Okay. Okay," Hobie exclaims while doing it.

"The first mistake was stealing tools from the motor pool, geniuses," I inform them as they are cuffed and Gibbs phone begins ringing.

"Yeah, it's Gibbs. I need prisoner transportation for three. Get a hold of Metro P.D. since we busted them on their turf," Gibbs talks into the phone as Ziva and I open the trunk to see a severed head.

"Gibbs? The car's not the only thing they've been chopping here," Ziva calls over to Gibbs.

"I swear we didn't kill anybody! Come on! It's not even our cooler! We had nothing to do with this!" Hobie exclaims in fear as we load them into the transport van.

"Do you believe him?" McGee asks Gibbs as the van pulls away.

"They had a human head in the trunk of a car, McGee. What do you think?" Gibbs saps at McGee for his stupid question.

"First severed head? Mine was a motorcycle accident in Baltimore. I thought I was just picking up a helmet," Tony rambles as I return inside.

"Trust me, it's far worse when you know the person," Ziva overlaps him.

"You knew someone who was beheaded?"

"A friend. He infiltrated a Hamas cell in Ramallah. Ah... they sent his head overnight express."

"I'm sorry. I didn't..."

"That's when I decided that I'd... I'd never be captured alive," Ziva comments as Ducky, Jimmy and Gibbs walks in.

"You did me a favour tonight, Jethro. Tonight is smack down night at the Mallard residence. Can you believe it? Mother's favourite television program. Wrestling."

"Mine, too! I love the WWE," Jimmy exclaims.

"I haven't the heart to tell her it's not real. Where's the body?"

"Three sailors running the chop shop, Duck. We found it in the trunk," Gibbs informs him.

"You're not going to need the gurney for this one, Palmer," Tony informs them before showing him the head.

"Oh, my. Decapitation," Ducky exclaims while looking at the head.


"Who is Naomi Krutzhammer? One of your girlfriends, yes?" Ziva asks Tony while reading his email over his shoulder.

"I'm trying to read my email here. You mind?" Tony asks her.

"Not at all. I didn't know your nickname was 'honeybuns.'"

"Only Naomi and I call him that," Gibbs informs her while sweeping into the squad room with two cups of coffee and hands me one.

"Didn't think you were going to say anything about that, boss," Tony exclaims.

"Who owns the car with the head in the trunk?"

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