Singled Out

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I am sitting at my desk in the squad room happily working because the team is back right, no ex-lawyers, Gibbs back and the team how it's meant to be and the director better not change it. Ever or I'll bite her. Gibbs is wearing a light grey polo shirt with a brown jacket over his chair.

"Problems, Tony?" Ziva asks him when he angrily hangs up his phone and walks over to his desk from the director's office.

"Wrong number, Ziva," Tony defends himself as he begins gearing up as Gibbs phone begins ringing.

"Gibbs," Gibbs answers his phone making me smile, I missed hearing that. Tony just couldn't get the right snappish tone.

"IS there a reason you're gearing up?" McGee questions Tony.

"What's my motto, McGee?" Tony asks him.

"You'll never date a woman that eats more than you do?"

"Piss people of and then compare their reaction to a movie?" I offer happily.

"Well, yeah. That's true. But always be prepared. Bat signal may fly at any moment," Tony informs us with a chuckle.

"We're on our way," Gibbs says into the phone before handing the call and ordering us, "Grab your gear! We're heading out."

"How did you know?" McGee begs of Tony.

"Well, it's a gift, McGee. I... choose not to question it," Tony defends himself.

"Where are we going, Jethro?" I ask him as I fall into step beside him.

"Ask DiNozzo. All I got was a wrong number," Gibbs informs me making me laugh at Tony. He's lie is out of the bag and I didn't have to threaten him.


"Boss, vehicle's registered to a Navy Lieutenant Anne Sullivan... is a computer programmer for base housing. Reported U.A. this morning. First time in her career," McGee reports to Gibbs how is searching through the van for something in Tony's new organising.

"Witnesses?" Gibbs asks McGee without stopping his search.

"Uh, nine-one-one call. Two motorists reported a man driving her vehicle with a bloody woman screaming in back. I'm assuming that's our missing Lieutenant."


"Well, Fredericksburg P.D. has descriptions of both the woman and her abductor. They're sending them to NCIS as we speak."

"That's a good job, Tim."

"Can I help you find something, boss? Maybe...?"

"My notepads."

"Right back here. We reorganized the supplies. Tony felt this way was more efficient," McGee explains to Gibbs as he opens the draw near me that holds the notepads.

"Besides no one could find were Kate hide everything. We finally found the knee pads," I add sadly, we could have just kept Kate alive and we wouldn't have to reorganize it.

"You don't say," Gibbs says to us as he takes a note pad.

Well, you know, I could put them back the way it was before you quit," McGee begins but Gibbs glares at him making him change it too, "retired."

"Quit. They wouldn't listen to him so he quit. Isn't that how Mike quit?" I ask Gibbs making him smack my ass for that.

"We both retired, not quit," Gibbs informs me before turning to McGee and asking, "Well, that depends, McGee. Is it more efficient?"

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