Sharif Return

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This is going to be the only chapter you get this weekend. You are getting it early because I am going away this weekend and won't be able to update at the normal time!!!!


"City engineers traced the disturbance to an underground power node. Back traced the source, they found this," McGee explains to us as we walk underground into a junction room where a dead guy is located, and he is missing his eye. Gibbs is moss green polo over a plan white shirt with his NCIS jacket and hat. I am wearing a red shirt that falls to my elbows, that show the tops of my breasts, over a hair of flare bottom jeans and my NCIS jacket for the crime scene. My red hair is plaited down my back and resting below my ass.

"Hey boss. Meet marine officer major Jon Maguire. At least that's what his I.D. says. It's hard to tell with he, you know, the one eye," Tony explains in the room.

"Yeah, where's the missing one?" I ask Tony as I look around on the ground for it.

"Your guess is as good as mine. The major worked under marine corps systems command as liaison to the civilian sector for NBC preparedness."

"Nuclear, biological, and chemical," McGee states.

"Very good. I'm proud of you. Like a weird uncle. Hey, boss, you may not have noticed, but the..."

"Door locks from the outside," Gibbs finishes for him.

"Oh, so you noticed that."

"Meaning someone else locked him down here," McGee reminds us.

"Yeah, you really want to impress me, McGee, tell me why. He know where his S.O.SA was going?" Gibbs demands of us.

"Not a chance. Shorting the power box was clever, but a shot in the dark. Lucky it worked at all."

"And someone was able to figure it out," Ziva states.

"That's precisely why S.O.S was chosen, because it was so very recognizable. Dot-dot-dot, dash-dash-dash, dot-dot-dot. Unlike the old signal which was CQD, come quick distress," Ducky rambles.

"Just the S.O.S?" I ask them.

"That's all he sent," Ziva admits.

"Morse code's a dying art," McGee comments making me pull a face, that's a poor wording choice at the moment.

"Was for him.,"

"Well, he could have sent a longer message, but nobody would have recognized it. Present company excepted," Tony states.

"Cause of death?" Gibbs asks Ducky.

"Well, he didn't suffocate. There are no signs of cyanosis to indicate oxygen deprivation. No petechial haemorrhages that would indicate strangulation. There's no blunt or sharp force trauma. In fact, there is no sign of any trauma at all," Ducky informs us.

"Other than the missing eye," McGee corrects him.

"That would explain his death, Timothy," Ducky exclaims as he inserts the liver prob to work out time of death.

"The blood came from somewhere," I remind Ducky.

"Yes, well, the blood on the hands is superficial, from several torn cuticles and pads."

"It looks like he literally tried to climb the walls." Tony comments.

"Oh, that's odd. Ninety-nine point one. It appears our corpse is running a slight fever," Ducky exclaims as he removes the prob.

"What happened down here?" McGee asks in confusion.

"Whatever happened, someone wanted to watch," Ziva exclaims as she points out the security cameras pointed around the whole area.

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