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...shifting her weight , which results in her ass grinding into my groin for a second, making me stop sanding while groaning into her ear, because that felt good. She freezes when I groan, and I attempt to get my body back under control while I stand sanding the boat again, until she grinds her ass into my groin again...

Alice pov


I smirk when I hear Gibbs groan again when I grind my ass into his groan again, and something inside his pants begin awaking and hardening. I can't help myself from grinding into his groan making him drop the sander and placing his hands onto my hips, guiding my hips in the motioning he likes as he gets hard and begins grinding back into my ass while moulding his body against my back. The more I grind on to him the more he pushes me forward onto the rib of the boat in front of me.

"Alice, if you don't stop, I won't be able to stop myself," Gibbs groans into my ear.

"What makes you think I want you to stop?" I ask him before grinding back onto him harder making him suddenly spin me around so my back is against the boat while he catches my lips in a very heated kiss. He grinds his hard cock against me. He licks my bottom lip but I decide to tease him by not opening my mouth until he bites my lip roughly but not rough enough to break the skin, when I gasp in surprise he slides his tongue into my mouth before I have a chance to close my mouth and tease him some more. We fight for dominance when he gets his tongue into my mouth, but he wins by cheating, when he grabs my ass and squeezes it making me moan.

As the kiss carries on, Gibbs lifts me off my feet and wraps my legs around his waist so he can grind his cock into my pussy making me moan again before I grind back down into him making him groan against my mouth before he finally breaks the kiss, so that he can kiss down my neck until he finds my sweet spot making me moan louder while I pull his head because that feels good. I pull on Gibbs shirt in the hopes of removing it but he won't remove his mouth from my neck for me to remove the shirt, so I place my hands on his back to hold him close to me. I feel his hands move from my hips up to my shirt that he begins pulling up my shirt, and when it gets to my shoulder he finally stops kissing my neck to remove my shirt, and then he pulls his shirt off so I can see and touch his chest.

"Whoa," Gibbs mumbles while staring at my breasts in the black lace bra I am wearing, it makes my boobs look bigger and prettier. I open my mouth to comment but Gibbs begins kissing down my neck to my breast, making me look my entire through train and my head goes blank, as I drop my head back against the boat rib, and let Gibbs do as he wants because he sure is good at getting what he wants. When he finally arrives between my breasts, he kisses and bites between them making me moan louder again, I never know it could feel so good with someone just playing with my breast. Aw be bites a little harder, leaving an imprint of his teeth without breaking the skin, I moan as I grab his hair when my pussy clenches around nothing.

"Jethro," I gasp out in pleasure, how can this feel so good and he hasn't event touched my below the belt.

"You like that Alice?" Gibbs asks me while looking up at me from where his head is between my breasts.

"Yeah... yeah, I like," I admit with a heave blush that Gibbs watch raise up over my breast and up to my face.

"We should take this upstairs," Gibbs mumbles while going back to sucking on my left breast, leaving a mark where no one but he will be able to see. I pull his face out of my cleavage to pull his lips back up to my lips where we begin kissing heatedly. The make out season is very heated and when I break the kiss and look at Gibbs' eye, you almost can't see the blue because the pupils so big from arousal, I kiss down his throat this time and when I find his shot that makes him groan, behind his left ear, I suck on it making him grind into me harder while groan my name out.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now