Honor Code

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"A whole hour for a lunch run, probie?" Tony complains when Ziva and McGee walks into the squad room.

"Yeah, while Ziva and I were out, she asked me to show her the best routes to work. You know, her driving's gotten a lot better. Barely broke any laws this time," McGee informs Tony.

"Let me get this straight. Ziva asked you, who can barely navigate the navy yard, to show her the best way to work?"

"That's right."

"Well, what about me? I know every shortcut in the metro area. I could shave ten minutes off her commute like that!"

"I don't know what to tell you."

"It doesn't make any sense. Unless... maybe I intimidate her."

"Yeah, I'm sure that's it."

"I've seen it happen before. It's a chemical thing. Hard to explain."

"I do hope you try," Ziva says from behind Tony making him jump.

"I told you not to do that again."

"Sorry. I was so intimidated in your presence, I must have forgotten. Seriously, Tony. I do apologise for not asking your advice on my commute."

"Don't worry about it."

"IF I would have known you would have felt so... emasculated... is the word?"

"Yes, it is," McGee agrees with her.

"Emasculated, I would have asked you first."

"It takes a little more than an exotic accent and some stealth ninja moves to emasculate me," Tony informs her.

"And you're not smart or pretty enough to do it," I add making Ziva glare at me.

"Only a little more? How disappointing," Ziva asks to Tony while ignoring me making McGee chuckle at them.

"Don't take sides, Probie!" Tony hisses at McGee.

"Gear up. We have a missing person. Coleman Park Carousel in Arlington," Gibbs orders us while walking over to his desk.

"A child?" Ziva asks him while moving back over to her desk as we all get up and get our gear.

"Father. Lieutenant Commander Alex Tanner. Disappeared an hour ago."

"Do you always respond to missing person's cases so promptly?"

"Special circumstances, Ziva. His six year old son called NCIS. He's in the park, alone, waiting for us. DiNozzo, you drive," Gibbs orders while throwing the key's at Tony.

"Ooh, I think McGee wants to drive, boss," Tony says to Gibbs while throwing the key's to McGee.

"Ah, you know what, Tony? I would really rather have you drive," McGee says while throwing the keys back.

"Afraid you're going to run over another fire hydrant? Because I'm sure that wasn't your fault. Wait. It was, according to the police report."

"I'll drive," Ziva says while snatching the keys from the man-children.

"One more word, you're all walking," Gibbs orders his children as we step into the elevator.

"You got it, boss," Tony agrees with him making Gibbs hits him in the back of the head making Tony add, "I deserved that."


"Zach, hey. I'm special agent DiNozzo; you can call me Tony, okay? That's a smart thing to do, calling NCIS. Good boy. All right, I know this really scary, but I want you to be brave. Can you do that? Okay, I want you to think back to what happened today. Try to remember the details. There's no wrong answer here," Tony says to the boy how doesn't say anything, but he is a little cute. Tony gets us to talk to Gibbs while I squat down in front of the boy.

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