Under Cover

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"Oh, she's very beautiful, Jethro," Ducky says while looking at our victim, who Ziva is impersonating at a hotel.

"Her name's Sophie Ranier. She's murdered over twenty five people, Ducky," Gibbs informs Ducky.

"Yeah, and her friend?"

"Her husband. Jean Paul Ranier. Both Canadian citizens, both contract assassins," I explain to my father.

"She suffered extensive injuries. It may take quite a while to determine the actual cause of death."

"They were killed in a car accident two days ago outside of Kuwait International Airport. Here's the accident report," Gibbs informs Ducky while handing him the report.

"I'm assuming this is urgent. I've waited three months to see Giselle."

"Yeah, apologies about the girlfriend, Duck. But I do need you to..."

"Giselle's a ballet, Gibbs. You really should get out of your basement more, Jethro. We need to know everything we can about these two, Ducky," Shepard corrects Gibbs.

"Why is NCIS investigating this?" Ducky asks in confusion.

"Marine C.I.D. found two fake U.S. passports and two first-class tickets for Washington, D.C. in their luggage."

"They have reservation at the Barclay through November tenth," I inform Ducky.

"The Maine Corps' birthday," Ducky release why we are all so concerned.

"They're holding the ball there. Hosted by the commandant of the marine corps," Gibbs informs Ducky.

"Our top military leaders, congressmen and agency directors will be there, including me," Shepard says while boosting her own importance.

"Tony and Ziva have taken their room reservations at the Barclay. They're there now pretending to be these two. They're working blind, Duck."

"We're counting on you to fill them in on some of the more personal details of our couple."

"Oh, though it may be common knowledge that I talk to my patients. Unfortunately, to date, none of them have answered me back," Ducky informs us.

"Listen harder," Gibbs orders.

"Well, one did. Then he held us hostage all day without any coffee, and he shot Gerald, Gibbs and me. Then because we didn't kill him, he killed my sister to get his sister, her life," I remind Ducky making him node at me in memory. I add, "If these two talk back, remove their organs. It would have fixed Ari and we wouldn't have so many murderers on the team." Because of my comments on Ari Gibbs and Ducky laugh at me while Shepard glares at me because I'm putting her girlfriend down again.


"Comfortable, DiNozzo?" Gibbs asks Tony from our spot in MTAC that night.

"Well, yeah. I'm working on it. Why do you ask?"

"We're looking at you, Agent DiNozzo. All of you," Shepard informs Tony.

"Ah, sorry about that," Tony says while covering his body.

"DiNozzo, what the hell are you? You're married assassins. You're not visiting the Playboy mansion," Gibbs snaps at Tony while tightening his grip on his coffee.

"It was kind of Ziva's idea, boss."

"So if Ziva tells you to kill yourself, would you just kill yourself?" I ask Tony because come on, she planned Kate's murder and now Tony is doing anything she tells him.

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