Visiting the Hunk *

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"What's your plan this weekend, Alice?" McGee asks me late on Friday afternoon.

"I'm going to Mexico," I inform him as I finish writing up my report for the kidnapped baby that was sold back to its real mother.

"What's in Mexico that you would want to go visit it on the weekend?" Shepard demands of me as she walks into the squad room, which is never a good thing. She only ever brings bad news.

"Jethro, you know, my boyfriend that you tried forcing to never remember by making him remember something from this year when he thought it was ninety-one."

"I didn't try getting him not to remember?"

"Sure seemed like it."

"I was trying to save the lives of everyone."

"Which died anyway because they were an acceptable lose."

"Well, you can't leave because your team is on call."

"No, we're not."

"What do you mean 'no, we're not'?"

"We were on call for the last three weekends. Pick another team; we're having this weekend off. That's final," I inform her calmly making the team look at me, no one argues with Shepard ever.

"You think..."

"Pick another team, because we're not coming in," I snap at her calmly.

"You aren't my boss."

"No but your being a bad boss, letting your personally emotions about Jethro define how you treat his team. That stops now, treat us correctly, or your life is going to get very difficult."

"You think you have a say in how I treat this team?"

"Yes because otherwise I summit this report on your work practise and how you treat the teams under you. Then you will be investigated and maybe stepped down," I inform her as I wave the report in her face.

"You wouldn't."

"I would, without guilt because you are being a bitch and that's Ziva's job."

"Fine, you have this weekend off," Shepard snaps as she snatches the report and storms off.

"That was ballsy," Tony comments.

"What's she going to do fire me? For what? I haven't done anything that is a fireable offence."

"I guess. Come on, let's go home before she changes her mind," Tony laughs at me as he shuts his (Gibbs) computer down.

"Yeah, I have a plane to catch anyway," I agree with him as we all shut our computers down and head out for the weekend.


"Hey, boys," I call out to the men as I walk down the beach in Mexico. I am wearing a red flowing dress that is tight at my chest but flowy all the way down to my ankles. Gibbs looks good; he is wearing a pair of shorts, and a button up shirt. He has the start of a beard growing on his face. I didn't even know he owned shorts, but I like it along with the smile he is wearing.

"Alice," Gibbs greets me as he walks over to me from the front of the house he was sitting on.

"Miss Todd," Mike greets me without getting up from the chair he is drinking his beer in.

"You still look like shit," I comment as I look at the burns all over his face, sadly.

"Thanks," Gibbs says to me sarcastically as he pulls me into a hug that I happily return.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now