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"Is he here yet? Is he here yet?" Abby demands of McGee who is sitting at Tony's old desk, and the new probie is sitting at McGee's old desk, her name is Michelle Lee, she is a Chinese young lady who is a lawyer, turned field agent. It's only been four months since Gibbs' quit, retired and Shepard's already replaced and fucked with his team.

"Abby, do you think I'd be playing this game if he was?" McGee asks her as he plays Tony's games on the computer and Abby sits on the edge of the desk I walk over to them calmly and sit on the behind the desk.


"I will call you as soon as he gets here, okay? I promise."

"What if his flight was delayed? Or worse? What if he missed his connecting flight?"

"Well, then I guess he'll be here tomorrow," I inform her calmly.

"Not good enough, Alice! A team needs a leader. He's our glue. He's our spine. Without him we're like... Phylum cnidarian."

"Jelly fish?" McGee asks her.


"If the shoe fits," I say to him calmly.

"Are you saying I'm spineless?" McGee asks Abby.

"Of course not, Timmy. I'm checking his flight," Abby comments as she begins typing on McGee's computer with dirty hands.

"Abby, you're getting powder all over my keyboard."

"Do what? This isn't the first time this keyboard has been covered in sugar, powders, grease and unknown liquids," I remind him calmly.

"What's your pint?" Abby asks McGee without caring about his freak out.

"My point is, Abby, you are really, really overdoing the sugar thing again," McGee comments,

"Well, I'm eating for two?"

"What the hell do you mean? Who the hell did that?" I demand of Abby, all calmness gone in one second.

"Relax. I was referring to the health food freak over there. Every time I go past her desk, I have this irresistible urge to shove a cheeseburger down her throat."

"Do it, I would but I promised Jethro that I wouldn't break the team for at least twelve months."

"I think she's kind of hot," McGee comments as he looks at her.

"She's a lawyer, Ugly Tony's dog shit looks better."

"Oh, you think she's hot?" Abby asks him jealously.

"You want my baseball bat?"

"Yeah, you know, for a probie," McGee comments.

"Yeah, but she's an L-A-W-Y-E-R," I spell it out like Lee wouldn't and couldn't understand that.

"You three do realise I can hear you, right?" Lee asks us.

"We do now, very special agent Lee. His flight landed on time! Where is he?" Abby asks as the elevator dings.

"In the elevator? Or that might be Ugly Tony the second, I am teaching him to use the elevator," I explain to Abby who is running over to the elevator to greet him but she only gets halfway out of the squad room before she is meet with Tony.

"Oh, yay! You're home! Welcome back! I missed you! Oh," Abby rambles as she hugs the living daylight out of Tony.

"Um... never mind, it's only Ugly Tony the first," I complain in fake sadness as I pick up Ugly Tony the second who is trying to chew on Tony's leg.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now