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"Thank you, Mrs Mallard," I say to my grandmother who has helped me get ready for a date with Gibbs, on Sunday. She has done me up like a fifties girl, while I am wearing a new little black dress, it cover's my chest so that there isn't any cleavage, over my stomach is a triangles with only strings going vertically across my open middle, attaching the triangles, before ending in a tight black skirt that goes down to my ankles, making me feel sexy. I also have black heels that will make me as tall as Gibbs for a change. Mrs Mallard spent half an hour hiding the love bites Gibbs has left over my neck and chest.

"You're welcome. Are you going to get dressed?" Mrs Mallard asks me while looking at my dress.

"I am dressed," I defend myself with a smile.

"No you're not."

"Yes, I am. This is how I'm dressed for my date. I want to take his breath away," I explain to Mrs Mallard.

"I don't know."

"Don't worry. I'm good, and if something goes wrong, I'll run all the way home," I promise her making her smile happily again without any fear on her face. Before she can say anything else my phone begins ruining making me answer it, "Alice."

"We have a case," Tony informs me making me pull a face.

"I'm on my way," I inform him before hanging up. I turn to Mrs Mallard and inform her, "I have to go to work. Thank you for your help."

"Good bye," Mrs Mallard says to me while letting me out of the house as I put on a long coat so that no one can see my dress.


"Hi," I greet Ziva and Tony who are already in the squad room, dressed casually. Tony is wearing a football uniform, while Ziva is wearing exercise clothing with bloody bandages on her desk and her hands.

"Hello," Tony says happily while turning to me.

"Hello, Not mine. Where's McGee?" Ziva answers Tony question from before I entered before asking her own question.

"In trouble. I left messages on his home phone, cell and Blackberry. No answer," Tony reports while I make my way over to the desk.

"Rule number three."

"Never be unreachable," I finish for her.

"When Gibbs finds out about this," Tony begins.

"Find out what, DiNozzo?" Gibbs demands of Tony as he walks into the squad room wearing he's wearing a suit and toe, with a scarf around his neck inside his dress overcoat making my mouth run dry, that's not fair, he's not allowed to look that good. I want that date know because he looks too good for work.

"We've got a possible abduction, boss. Call came in at zero three Fairfax area code. Caller said her name was Wilkerson, then the line went dead. Ran a reverse look-up on the number. It came back to a Navy Lieutenant Commander, Amanda Wilkerson. Stationed at the Department of the navy, Washington, D.C. No one answers from her home phone or cell. She's currently on liberty. Scheduled to be back at work tomorrow morning at zero seven," Tony reports to Gibbs as Gibbs walks behind his desk and takes his scarf and overcoat off before sitting down. When Gibbs is sitting down Tony adds, "That's a nice suit. You didn't married again, did you?"

"If you have more, DiNozzo, no would be a good time.'

"Yeah. Ah, her cell wasn't GPS-enabled, but the service provider narrowed the call location um... you know, to the" Tony reports as I take my own coat off making him trail off for a moment before trying to finish again, "To the."

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now