Model Behaviour

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"Aren't you meant to be somewhere today?" I ask Gibbs while a cold case file.

"Tony'll take care of it," Gibbs answers me dismissively while reading another case file.

"That's a bit like saying a hurricane while take care of the yard work," I laugh at the idea of Tony taking care of something.

"Not my problem, the director while have to deal with him."

"You do know that's as bad a plan, almost as bad as hiring Tony. Or giving Kate a gun."

"I did both. What's another bad plan?"

"True. True," I agree while reading this file.

"Why didn't you go to the reward ceremony?" Gibbs asks me while turning to watch me.

"I um... I didn't want to dress up with Palmer drooling all over me. He doesn't believe I have a boyfriend," I explain making Gibbs squeezes his empty coffee cup making the lid pop off.

"He what?" Gibbs snaps in anger.

"Come on, Jethro. You and I know I'm not interested in him, I don't date people who aren't hot marines," I explain to my jealous boyfriend while walking over to him and sitting on the edge of his desk, so I can place my hands on his shoulders.

"He's not allowed to look at you. Your mine," Gibbs informs me while grabbing my leg so that I can't leave him.

"I promise, I'm not interested in the autopsy gremlin. I have the boss. You don't have to be jealous of me, I'm here with you. So that tells you who I'm staying with," I remind him as I rub his shoulders, slowly calming him down.

"I don't want to lose you."

"Ari couldn't drag me away from you," I promise him making him smirk because he knows that Ari is higher on the asshole list then the devil or his ex-wives and Shepard.


"But I'll tell you what is getting me to leave you," I begin making him give me his glare but I smirk when I finish, "Coffee. You want one?"

"Sure. You're such a tease."

"I'll be back soon," I promise him before placing a kiss on his lips because no one is in the office then I grab my gun and badge, before walking out of the squad room to get coffee.

I walk to the coffee shop, and I open the door to see the normal guy on.

"Working late again Alice," He asks me while I hand him money because I know the exact amount because I always buy from this shop.

"You want something to eat too?" He asks me.

"Yes, please," I agree with him and he hands me the change while he moves over to the coffee machine. I ask him, "So, how's the boyfriend?"

"Gone. He can't keep a job, why would he keep me?"

"Because you said he was the best fuck of your life?"

"I'll find a better fuck."

"I suppose you could have kept him as a fuck-buddy," I offer as he hands me my coffee and food.

"I ask for that, but he started throwing the plates at me."

"Better luck next time," I say to him, as I leave the shop. I add, "See you later."

"Bye, bye," He says while waving in the sterically typical gay fashion.

I slowly make my way back to the NCIS building, where I walk into the elevator and up to the squad room. I walk over to Gibbs who is talking on his phone as I hand him his coffee and a sandwich.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now