Cover Story

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"The house is leased to Petty Officer Darren Cove. No roommates, but according to the neighbours, he is rarely along," Ziva reports in kitchen of the house that has a mess everywhere. There is no body but a lot of blood on the floor. McGee and Tony are searching the living room. Gibbs is wearing a white t-shirt under a black polo shirt and his NCIS windbreaker. I am wearing a red t-shirt with white flowers down my left side and a pair of jeans, along with my NCIS windbreaker.

"I can tell. He's got a fridge full of beer. No hard alcohol," Gibbs comments after searching the fridge and cupboards.

"Except for this. Ooh! If smells could kill, I think we just found our murder weapon," Ziva comments after taking a weft of a mixed drink on the bench.

"I'm more concerned with where they came from," I comment because there is nothing to mix to make it with in this kitchen.

"Neighbour said this was a notorious party house. Maybe someone brought in the mixers."

"And they left with them, too," Gibbs adds.

"Seems like a lot of effort for a couple of drinks. Wasted effort," Ziva complains before walking into the living room with the boys. I continue to search the kitchen cupboards with Gibbs.

"What are you think, Alice?" Gibbs asks me softly.

"Where's our body?" I ask him as I look back at the blood. Gibbs nodes before we make our way down to the bedroom to search that next.

"I don't know."

"Jethro," I call out in fear making him walk over to me. I point to a note on the ground next to the blood again.

"DiNozzo," Gibbs calls him into the room and he enters before smirking at me.

"Get this," Gibbs orders him while pointing to the note. He photos it... it reads 'one down, two to go.'

"Looks like McGee wasn't the only writer here today," Tony teases McGee.

"Bag it," Gibbs orders us before leaving him.

"What were you doing in the bedroom with the boss?" Tony teases me as I bag it.

"Working," I answer him as I attempt to ignore him.

"Working on what?"

"The case."

"So not a little Giblet?" Tony teases me as I give him a disgusted look. He continues, "Or were you thinking the boss man for a place to stay?"

"You're disgusting," I hiss at him as I leave the bedroom out to were the team is because Tony doesn't mention what he walked in on in front of the team...


"Petty Officer Cove joined the Navy three years ago, right out of high school. His CO says he's a little immature but basically a good kid," McGee reports when we return to the squad room. The boys are standing on the other side of Gibbs desk who is leaning back on his chair with his back to his computers with his arms crossed. I am sitting on the ledge on the table in front of the computers, listening to the reports while wondering why anyone would want to kill this man. Gibbs has swopped his windbreaker with a cream jacket. I have swopped my NCIS windbreaker with a cream jacket that is woollen on the inside.

"A good kid with a criminal record. Since enlisting, he's been arrested twice. Both misdemeanours. Public in-tox in oh-four, and a noise ordinance violation last July," Tony adds.

"He works to live, and lives to party. It's his CO's words."

"Guys in his command call him Darren 'diddy' Cove."

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now