Who is more Stubborn? *

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"Jethro, stop," I laugh as he tickles my ribs. He has me pinned on his bed, it's almost half past one and we're not sleeping, he's tickling me like a child because I wouldn't tell him what he wants to hear. I am wearing Gibbs' NIS sweatshirt and a pair of nickers that's it, while Gibbs is wearing a pair of sweat pants and an old USMC sweatshirt.

"Say it," Gibbs orders me without stopping.

"No," I gasp out as I try to wiggle away from him. But all my wiggling does is raise my shirt, allowing Gibbs to slide his hand under it onto my bare skin.

"Alice, if you say it, I'll stop."

"No... no... no, stop."

"Say it."

"Okay, okay... I love you," I gasp out making him finally stop tickling me.

"See baby, that wasn't so hard," Gibbs teases me as he places a kiss on my lips before informing me, "I love you too. Even if you're so stubborn."

"You're one to talk, stubborn, old man," I inform him as I lean up and kiss him again, but this time I run my tongue across his lips, making him open them. He lowers his hands from my ribs to my waist, holding me in place as he begins to control the kiss. I wrap my hands around his neck, grabbing a handful of his hair to pull him closer to me, deepening the kiss. I run my hand down his back and under his shirt, so I can feel his strong back.

"Alice, we should go to sleep," Gibbs mumble as he drops his head into my neck where he begins to kiss on it.

"Mm-hmm. Old, stubborn men need their sleep," I tease them making Gibbs mumble something against my neck, but I can't understand it because he suddenly moves his hand up my torso and to my left breast which he flicks his long fingers over my nipple.

"You keep mouthing off and I'll put that pretty mouth to use so you can't," Gibbs threatens me, but I just moan at the feeling which he is creating in my body. Gibbs uses his second hand to work my shirt up and over my breast. He stops playing with my chest and makes me lift my upper body off and pulling my shirt off for him as he removes his own shirt. Once his shirt is off, he returns his hand to my breast and his mouth this time as well, making me moan.

"Jethro," I gasp out. I run my hand down his back as he sucks on my breasts. I run my hand around his waist and rub the budging lump in his sweatpants. I use my second hand to pull Gibbs up to my face and kiss him again.

"Baby, you keep rubbing that I'll finish fast then a teenager," Gibbs warns me making groan at him as he removes me hand from his cock.

"Why are you teasing me? You do that at all day at work," I complain to him as I quickly place a kiss on his lips.

"Get those pants off and I'll stop teasing you," Gibbs promise me making me node as I remove my pants quickly. Gibbs also removes his pants before laying against me again. Gibbs continues, "Let's see how wet you are baby?" that's all the warning I get before Gibbs runs his finger throw my pussy lips making me gasp out in surprise. He raises his finger to his lips and suck it clean before returning his hand to my pussy lips and begin pushing his first finger into me, and I moan in pleasure as he begins to pump it in and out slowly, teasingly slowly.

"Jethro," I gasp out as he teases me.

"What? I'm not doing anything," Gibbs teases me making me moan at him.

"More," I beg of his as I grab his arm and hold it tightly.

"More what?" Gibbs tease me.

"More... move faster," I gasp out as I raise my hips, and beginning to hump his fingers until he uses his other hand to hold my hips down.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now