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"Finished McGee's book yet?" Tony asks Ziva in the squad room today as they read at their desk instead of working, which I am doing. I am wearing a pair of tight jeans and a peak-a-boo shirt that hints at cleavage without being slutty, like Shepard.

"Half way. You?" Ziva answers him.

"I'm on... chapter seven, page on oh three. 'Maybe someday Lisa would find the courage to tell Agent Tommy about her dream... the two of them together, their bodes covered in sweat as they made love on the crystal white sands of her homeland,'" Tony reads of his copy off the book.

"I'm going to kill him."

"Kill who?" Gibbs asks as he walks into the squad room and over to his desk.


"You know, Kate and McGee are going to kill Tony. You're going to kill McGee. FBI kills you. We're going to have no one in no time," I comment.

"Have you read this book?"

"Apparently McGee thinks Ziva's in love with me," Tony explains.

"You're not very far in yet. It changes over time," I dismiss Tony's belief on the book, being so close to the beginning.

"There's a reason they call it faction, DiNozzo," Gibbs reminds him without caring about the book, which I personally read to him when the book first came out.

"Boss just got a call from dispatch. Construction crew found a dead body," McGee explains to Gibbs as he walks into the squad room.

"Where?" I ask him as we gear up.

"Chesty Puller High School in Quantico."

"Student?" Gibbs asks him.

"Uh... not sure."

"Take the truck. We'll met you there," Gibbs orders him before leading me out of the squad room to the elevator, leaving McGee to Ziva and Tony's anger.

"Why are you torturing McGee now?" I ask Gibbs as the elevator closes.


"Jethro... why are you torturing McGee?"

"He has to deal with Tony, sooner or later. I'm just not staying around to watch and listen to it."

"OR to stop it when Tony goes to far in his teasing of McGee's book. Hurting McGee's feelings," I remind him.

"Baby, he's a big boy. He doesn't need you to look after him. He got himself into this mess, he can get himself out. Payback for lying about the book and withholding information on the case."

"Okay, he can be torturing for that. But I feel like you're lying to me."

"Plus, this way we're not all cramped into one car. It's too tight and you always call shotgun leaving me with Tony against my side," Gibbs complains making me laugh at him before placing a kiss on his lips quickly before the doors open and I walk out, making Gibbs follow me.


"You know, in chapter eight of McGee's book, your character does the exact same thing to Agent Tommy. It turns out she has this whole secret photo album of him," Tony exclaims in the basement of the school as Ziva takes a photo of 'him.'

"Fascinating, Tony, but I wasn't taking a picture of you. I'm more interested in the wild life," Ziva comments making him turn around to see a mouse behind him.


"We've pulled rats, cats, and birds out of chimneys before, agent Gibbs. Hell, one time even a saint Bernard. But this is my first mummy. reminds me of that urban legend," Larson, the person who found our mummy, informs us.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now