Final Goodbye

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The next morning I wake up to see something that almost stop my heart, Gibbs is still sleeping next to me. My head is buried in Gibbs warm, strong chest, making me very comfortable but I have to get up. I try to get out of the bed without waking Gibbs but that doesn't work at all, the second I begin moving Gibbs jerks awake and grab me making me fall back into his chest with a grunt.

"Jethro, I was going to make coffee," I whine at him because I really want that coffee, he rolls onto his back making me be laying across his chest with me legs on either side of his waist.

"Five more minutes," Gibbs grumbles with a really deep, sleepy voice that is not aloud. He cannot be cute, sexy, handsome, and have a deep sexy sleepy voice.

"But I want coffee know."

"Five more minutes."

"But coffee," I mumble but I don't mind the position I am in, and Gibbs is comfortable to lay on. And before I know it, I am falling to sleep again against my warm, comfortable boyfriend.


The next time I walk up Gibbs is gone and I am sleeping alone making me pout, why does he have to leave, I like laying on his chest.

I lift my head to see a cup of coffee on the bedside table making me laugh as I take a sip. I climb out of the bed with the cup of coffee and change into a set of jeans and a white shirt. Before I walk down stairs but don't see Gibbs, which really doesn't surprise me. I walk into the lounge room and sit down next to my dog as I lift my phone and hit the button to text Kate. Only to shut my phone when I release it is impossible, she is not here anymore.

I realise I have to clean the house out and the longer I put it off, the harder it will get so I walk to top of the basement where I can hear Gibbs sanding his boat.

"Jethro," I call down to him, making the sanding stop before he comes up the stairs.

"Yeah?" Gibbs asks me while stopping in front of me.

"Would you be able to help me clean Kate's things out? I want to get it done because it's going to get harder the longer it goes without me."

"Of course. Do you want to eat before we go?" Gibbs ask while leading me to the kitchen when I node and he makes me some cereals.


Once we have eaten breakfast, Gibbs drives me back to Kate's apartment. On the way to the apartment, we stop to get boxes to pack the gear into.

I walk to the door but freeze before I open it.

"We don't have to do this, we can come back another time," Gibbs softly says to me while pulling me into a backwards hug making me node but I still insert the key into the lock and unlock the door.

"I have to do this. If I don't do it know, I might never do it," I mumble to Gibbs while opening to the door and we walk into the apartment.

I walk into the apartment where there are so many happy and sad members in here. I walk to my bedroom to pack it first before I touch Kate's stuff. Gibbs follows me while carrying the boxes that are flat packed.

"Where do you want to start?" Gibbs asks while looking around my childish room, still covered in drawings, stuffed toys and school books and everything from my life.

"I don't know," I mumble while looking around the room before making my way over to the cupboard that is full of the clothe I have for summer. I didn't bother packing it last night because it's winter. I make one of the boxes before placing the cloth in it while Gibbs starts on my desk that has an old computer and everyday schooling gear.

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