Boxed In *

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"Our Intel was wrong, Gibbs. The container isn't filled with small arms. It's a shipment of explosives," Survoy in forms Gibbs in MTAC, because we are looking into a case for him, and he was wrong, and Ziva and Tony has already gone to look for this container.

"C-four?" Gibbs asks him.

"Worse. Unexploded K-M-G-U cluster bomblets."

"From where?" I ask him.

"Iraq. Al Qaeda pays kids fifty cents a day to collect the bomblets. Most of them end up dead, the lucky ones crippled. These bomblets are..."

"Highly unstable. Yeah. I'd say that's worse," Gibbs comments, cutely.

"French intelligence out of Dakar believe they may have been loaded onto a Senegalese ship last week."

"Last week?" I ask him in surprise.

"Why are we just hearing about this today?" Gibbs demands of him.

"Have you ever worked with the French, Gibbs?" Survoy asks Gibbs like that answers his demands.

"Yeah, a few times," Gibbs admits.

"Then you know what I'm up against."

"I've got two agents down at the docks. I need more than ' they may have been loaded on a Senegalese ship,' Tom."

"We're working on it, Jethro. Just tell your people to be careful."

"Where are they now, McGee?" I demand of McGee who is monitoring Ziva and Tony.

"Tony said that they were relocating," McGee reports.

"Why?" Gibbs demands of him.

"Said that they had new Intel."

"Are you waiting for him to say please?" I ask McGee when he hesitates on finishing the report.

"I couldn't make it out. The phone reception was already hinky before I lost them."

"Well un-loss them. I don't want them to touching anything without a bomb squad present!" Gibbs orders him tightly.


"Our last contact with them was here, the north expansion. They were checking out a West African cargo chop that pulled in two days ago," McGee reports in the squad room while showing us that the satellite photo of the shipping yard where he lost Ziva and Tony.

"What about the GPS stuff in their phones?" Gibbs asks McGee innocent but protectively.

"Well, see, that's the strange thing. Their cell phone reception is bad around the docks, but their GPS chip should not be effected. They run on a separate satellite networks, but we should be able to pick them up anyway."

"Should, McGee? I don't like should when someone's life is in the line," I inform McGee while holding the rule three pillow tightly, I can't lose my friend or my bitch.

"For some reason we can't. Um... phones. Phones could be turned off. Chips could be disabled. They could be in a structure that is blocking the GPS signal."

"Like the hold of a ship?" Gibbs exclaims.

"Uh, possibly. You know, I'm thinking that they might be waiting to get into a better cell reception area before calling in."

"Maybe doesn't cut it, McGee," I hiss at McGee in fear.

"You should have let me know," Gibbs orders McGee while placing his hand on my back because he can see who scared I am.

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