Silver War

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"I friggin' hate Mondays. Frigging fat Al's All-you-can-eat Burrito Shack. More like Fat AL's bacteria shack. Come on. I shouldn't have come into work today. Gibbs sees me like this," Tony complains as we exit the elevator together and walk into the squad room, making me laugh at him and almost snort my coffee back out of my noise because I just took a sip and he is shaving with an electric razor.

"He'll probably be as horrified as I am agent DiNozzo. You working undercover as a hobo?" Ziva ask Tony, making me realise the bitch is sitting at Kate's desk. No one is to sit at Kate's desk.

"Why are you back? Here to kill more of us?" I demand of her while tighten my hold on the coffee cup, she has to move know, that's Kate's desk.

"You mind tell me what you're doing here... again?" Tony asks Ziva over me.

"Um... waiting," Ziva answers Tony.

"Well, get out of that chair. You don't deserve to be here, let alone in Kate's desk since you helped in killing her," I hiss at her while placing my coffee on Tony's desk while rushing over to Ziva, trying to pull her out of the chair. That's Kate desk, no one is allowed to sit there.

"For what?" Tony demands of her while letting me do what I want to do; he knows how protective I am off Kate's things, from her desk to her memory.

"To start work. Does everyone always come in this late?" Ziva states making me angrier.

"It's zero seven hundred," I snap at her while pulling on her arm, she has to get out know before I shot her like I wanted to do to her brother.

"At Mossad we start at zero five hundred."

"Well, go back to Mossad and kill innocent people," I yell at her in panic, she's not leaving Kate's desk.

"Okay, let me rephrase the original question. What the hell are you doing here, Ziva?" Tony snaps at Ziva when she begins glaring at me for my comment, but I don't care she is in Kate's chair, she is the reason Kate is dead, it is all her fault, if she wasn't here, Kate would still be here.

"I see. Gibbs didn't tell you?" Ziva ask us innocently but I don't care, I want her gone, now.

"Tell me what?"

"Mossad's assigned me to NCIS as a liaison officer. We're going to be working together."

"No we're not. I am not going to be the working with the person who planned my sister's murder," I yell at her in anger while kicking her in the leg in the hopes that she would move but she doesn't, it just results in Tony grabbing me and moving me away from Ziva before I do something else.

"Does Gibbs know about this?" Tony asks Ziva while holding me away from her, I want her dead and I want Kate back.

"Do you think I'd be here if he didn't?" Ziva asks us.

"Yes. The director would do that. So why don't you go join your brother," I hiss at her while trying to lunge for her again.

"You might want to do something about your hair. It's sticking up like a pork-u-swine. Wrong word. Like a pork-u-pig? The little animal with the little spikes, yes?"

"Porcupine," McGee corrects her while looking confused why Ziva is here.

"She wants to kill us all," I explain to McGee making Ziva glare at me.

"Porcupine! Thank you, special agent McGee. Hold that," Ziva says to McGee making me glare at her while she takes a coffee from him, he is carrying one for each person on the team, so she took someone's coffee and I am hopping it is Gibbs so she dies.

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