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"I knew something was wrong the minute I got out of the car, probie. Instinct. Pure and simple. Either you got it or you don't," Tony boost about his great 'investigative' skills.

"Yeah, well I heard you squealed like a little squirrel when the cat jumped out at you," McGee teases Tony.

"I was saving this for Ziva, bit since you volunteered," Tony says while picking up the cat carrier, "Find the little beast. Got blood on his paws. It's evidence."

"I'm allergic to cats."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea. Try holding your breath," Tony informs him while forcing the cage into McGee's hands.

"Our Lieutenant suffered a single gunshot would, Jethro, to the right temple," Ducky reports.

"Through and through," Gibbs finishes for Ducky.


"Impacted here. Round's still in the book, duck," I inform him while looking inside the book.

"Sadly, one less reader in the word."

"Who committed suicide. Or maybe she was just cleaning her gun too close to her head," Jimmy reminds us.

"DiNozzo," Gibbs orders his agent to inform Jimmy the rules of NCIS.

"NCIS investigates all suicides as homicides until proven otherwise, Palmer," Tony informs her.

"Got it," Jimmy nodes in understanding.

"T.O.D., Ducky?" I ask my father.

"Nine-nine thirty this morning. What time was her interview scheduled for today?" Ducky asks us.

"Ten hundred," Gibbs informs him.

"Gibbs," Ziva calls from the back room, we all follow her voice into a back room. When we get there to see her holding a box of money, she continues, "I found it taped underneath the bureau."

"Hundred and fifties. Non-sequential. Maybe fifty, sixty grand," Gibbs comments while looking over the money.

"Looks like we found our mole, boss. Knew she was corned. No way out. NCIS closing in," Tony comments.

"She could have run, Tony. Suicide is only for when you know you're going to be captured," Ziva reminds him.

"For you, maybe. This doesn't exactly look like the bedroom of a hard core super-secret agent chick," Tony comments while looking around the room, the bed and everywhere is covered in stuffed toys.

"I have stuffed animals. Okay, I was twelve. But still, I mean..."

"She could have been coerced," Gibbs states.

"To be a mole?"

"He means to kill herself," Tony corrects Ziva.

"I mean both, DiNozzo," Gibbs informs him.

"How many suicides you know make their beds before they off themselves?" I ask Tony.

"Want me to inform Lieutenant Hill's command about her death, boss?" Tony asks Gibbs.

"Nope," Gibbs answers him.

"He wants to tell him himself. That way he can gauge the response," Tony informs Ziva as Gibbs and I leave the bedroom.


"On your six, boss."

"Get the couch, bookcase, and carpets to Abby," Gibbs orders Tony in the living room.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now