Witch Hunt

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"Ha! You're not planning on leaving early, are you?" Tony asks Ziva ask he throws paper balls into McGee's bin next to the desk at night in the squad room.

"And if I am?" Ziva asks innocently.

"I wouldn't advice it. Do you know what today is?" Tony asks Ziva calmly.


"IT's Halloween, Ziva. It's an American holiday."

"I know. The wearing of silly outfits and begging for treats. I imagine it would be a DiNozzo national holiday."

"Well, you imagined wrong. I don't do Halloween."

"I see. Your father again, yes?"

"I don't do Halloween because ever since I became a cop weird things happen on October thirty-first."

"Define weird."

"Grave robberies. Beheadings. Cattle mutilations. And McGee turning fuzzy and blue," Tony adds as McGee enters the room buttoning his shirt over a blue, fuzzy shirt.

"What? McGee asks innocently.

"What's under your shirt?" Ziva demands of McGee as they make the way over to McGee's desk.

"My t-shirt."

"Okay, he's lying.

"Oh yeah. Oh, yeah! Ha-ha-ha! Ah," Tony exclaims as he grabs the bag off McGee's desk that has the rest of the blue fuzzy costume with a laugh he continues, "I knew you played a fairy on that online game, but dressing up as one?"

"It's a snow elf, and I'm going to a costume party, okay?" McGee defends himself as Ziva and Tony put on the rest of the costume. Tony is wearing the fuzzy gloves as Ziva puts on the hat and begins looking into a compacted mirror at herself.

"It's far from okay, probie. In fact, I'd say that this is taking geek one step beyond," Tony exclaims.

"Oh, sadly I have to agree. I instantly felt all the respect leave my body as soon as I put this on," Ziva exclaims with a laugh.

"Well, normally you'd be right, but you haven't met my ice queen," McGee defends himself.

"You have to be kidding me," Tony chuckles at McGee who pulls up her photo. She's hot.

"Dale Samechi. She's a redskin's cheerleader."

"Oh, very impressive," Ziva states.

"That's a very hot woman. How did you find her?" Tony asks him in surprise.

"I met her at the Armani store. Found out we played on the same gaming server together," McGee defends himself.

"Since when can you afford Armani?" Tony demands about the only important thing McGee said.

"Hear up!" Gibbs orders us as he sweeps into the squad room before McGee can answer Tony. Gibbs freezes when he sees Ziva and Tony, he just stares at them trying to work out what is going on and if he needs to stop it.

"Oh, god. They're McGee's," Ziva exclaims as she removes the hat and Tony hides the gloves behind his back.

"Well, I'm going to a costume party later tonight," McGee explains himself.

"Not anymore, Elf Lord. General Custer has been shot, and he's got a dead Skelton in his living room," Gibbs informs us.

"What'd I say? Halloween," Tony exclaims.

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