In The Dark

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"What are you doing?" I ask Gibbs as he looks for something in the garage.

"I lost my drill," Gibbs answers me as he continues to look for the missing drill.

"Like a true drill, or from the stone ages?" I tease him as I lean against the doorway, watching Gibbs ass as he leans down to look on the floor.

"It's a hand drill. Are you going to help me, or just keep watching?"

"I'll watch," I answer him with a smirk but I do enter and begin looking on the bench. I ask him, "What does it look like?"

"Like this," Gibbs comments as he draws in the dirt on the floor. He draws a line then at ninety degrees another line in going the same way as the first, back down so he is in line with the first line and back out. It kind of looks like a half-square with lines out each end.

"Okay," I mumble as I begin looking for it. I can't help asking him, "Is it definitely in this room or is it in the basement?"

"I already looked in the basement."

"And it will be in the garage because?"

"Because it's the only other place I remember using it."

"Right," I mumble as I look around. I am looking under the bench.

"Gotcha," Gibbs exclaims making me look over at him to see him pulling it off of the top of a cupboard.

"Were you trying to lose that permanently?" I ask him because who would look on top of the cupboard.

"I put it out of harm's way. Emily was around," Gibbs defends himself.

"And Emily is?"

"Fornell's daughter."

"Poor girl," I say making Gibbs smirk at me as his phone rings.

"Yeah, Gibbs... Uh-hu... have them meet me there," Gibbs says into the phone before handing up.



"I'll put my shoes on," I state as I walk over to the door back into the house with Gibbs following me. I pick up my shoes and put them on before taking the gun Gibbs is offering me from the safe. I grab my badge on the way out of the room but I don't have my NCIS windbreaker at home, so I just put on the leather jacket Ducky brought me.


"After my assistant noticed the body, I blew up the photo. She saw the uniform, called you," Mr Scott, a blind photographer, informs us how he found the body as we walk around his apartment.

"We're going to need a copy of your negatives, Mr Scott," I inform him as I turn to face him, he might not be able to see but I find it very rude not to face the person you are talking to.

"Sorry, we're late, boss. Hit every red light and we had to stop get gas," Tony inform us as he walks into the room.

"And some... bratwurst?" Scott asks him after smelling the air. Making Gibbs give Tony a look as Tony chuckles at being told on.

"Everybody gets hungry," Tony defends himself.

"Where's the body?" McGee asks as he carries all of Tony, Ziva and his own crime scene stuff into the apartment making me give them a look. Tony should know better then to make McGee do that by now... I will just have to teach him that lesson again.

"Apparently there's been some sort of miscommunication," Ziva informs them.

"What? We carried all our equipment up here for nothing," Tony complains making me hit his arm.

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