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"By doing that. What happens if you fail here?" Ziva asks Tony while watching an autopsy, Tony and her are still in their gym clothing.

"Depends, Officer David. Some of them go on to become our director. You'll have to reschedule your class, Duck. The rangers found a body in Shenandoah Park," Gibbs informs Ducky while making me laugh because our 'lovely' director failed the autopsy test.

Well, perhaps you'd be willing to share the specifics with the class. Yes, the three most frequent causes of death in our national parks are heart attacks, hiking accidents, and prolonged exposure to the elements," Ducky rambles.

"Not this time. Sailor was eaten... by a bear," I inform Ducky.


"Yet another reason why I never want to go camping," Tony complains at the crime scene, camp site.

"Actually, Tony, bear attacks are quite rare," McGee corrects him.

"Really? Do you want to tell this guy?" Tony snaps at McGee while pointing to the mauled body.

"Not a big fan of nature, huh?" Ziva asks him as she photos the crime scene.

"Oh, I'm a big fan of nature as long as it's on TV."

"I'd say three hundred twenty five pounds. Maybe six foot standing, Agent Gibbs," Ranger Landis says to Gibbs while talking about the bear he assumes killed our soldier.

"You found the dog tags here, Ranger Hendricks?" Gibbs asks the female ranger while pointing to the point on the map.

"Right on the other side of the clearing. I followed the tracks back and found... found what was left of his body," Hendricks informs him.

"Well, the name matches the dog tags recovered by the park rangers. Petty officer Benjamin Riley," Ziva informs Gibbs.

"Bag it. Probie, you were a boy scout or whatever, right?" Tony orders McGee to collect the bear poo.

"Yeah. Well, technically I was a Webelos but," McGee defends himself.

"Whatever. Use your expertise and go and bag and tag that bear poo down there. Bag the poop."

"When you're done collecting scat, find out what the hell happened to Ducky," Gibbs adds his own order.

"Got it, boss," McGee agrees with Gibbs.

"This entire area is supposed to be off limits to campers," Landis informs us.

"A hunter was bear-baiting here last month," Hendricks informs us why.

"Bear baiting?" Tony asks her.

"Have you spent any time in the woods, special agent DiNozzo?"

"Well, heck yeah. As muck time as I can I'm in the woods. I'm a big fan of mother nature," Tony lies making me roll my eyes at his bad flirting.

"In the off-season, hunters set out food... always in the same place. Bears get used to being fed and, come season, all they have to do is wait," Hendricks explains to Tony as Ziva continues taking photos of the crime scene.

"That's cleaver. I'll have to try that the next time out."

"It's illegal, Tony," Ziva informs him.

"Not to mention it is immoral, DiNozzo," I inform him over Ziva, making me freeze before adding, "Kate just flow my mouth."

"If I has my way, hunting would be, too," Hendricks add when Tony just stairs at me in fear that Kate still lingers.

"Who was baiting the bear?" Gibbs asks her.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now