Iced *

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"Apricot oil, aloe Vera... sea butter?" Tony reads off a hand lotion bottle while sitting behind his dead in the squad room in late afternoon.

"I didn't know you were so interested in skin care," Ziva comments while looking at Tony as I take my phone out and begin recording this because it's going to be good and hilarious.

"Yeah, it's not mine. It's McGee. Maybe the probie is gay."

"Or uses it to jackoff at work," I offer to Tony who pulls a disgusted face at that thought.

"I'm not gay, Tony," McGee exclaims while trying and failing to snatch the bottle out of Tony's hands.

"Are you saying there's something wrong with being gay, Timothy?" Ziva asks him.

"No, that is not what I am saying."

"Bi-curios. I suppose now you're gonna tell us that a lot of your friends are of the homosexual persuasion and that I should be more sensitive," Tony teases McGee.

"No, actually, I was going to tell you to stay out of my desk," McGee corrects him.

"Right, because you wouldn't want work spreading that you're 'deep moisturizing to bring out your feminine glow,'" Tony reads off the bottle.

"I have dry skin, okay? My doctor recommended it," McGee exclaims while snatching the bottle out of Tony's hands and returning it to his desk.

"Well, you're walking a slippery slope there, probilitous. Before you know it you're going to take bubble baths with your clogs."

"What is wrong with bubble baths?" McGee asks as Gibbs strides into the squad room.

"Load up. Just got a break in the Ryan Downing case," Gibbs informs us making me stop recording and we all grab our gear.

"Downing?" Ziva ask in confusion.

"Weapons Company First Sergeant," McGee informs her.

"Went U.A. last November on leave from Iraq," I add.

"Not a peep since," Tony continues.

"What's the break, Gibbs?"

"Two kids found the First sergeant floating under six inches of ice," Gibbs informs us.

"Ice? That means," Tony begins telling a joke.

"You're now going to make a really juvenile cold-case joke?" Ziva cuts Tony off.

"It was a really good one, too," Tony whines as we head to the elevator as a team.

"Know I want to hear it," I whine back at Tony as we step into the elevator. Gibbs is looking McGee over while ignoring our child-ness.

"Is something wrong, boss?" McGee asks him when it becomes unconfutable being stared at by his boss.

"Just admiring your feminine glow," Gibbs informs him making us all laugh at McGee's misfortune.


"Can't say I'm disappointed this one's yours. We'll leave the lights if you guys return them. We've worked with NCIS before," Talbot, the local LEO, informs us before leaving.

"What you got?" Gibbs asks Ducky who is looking at the body in the cold night air over the creek we are standing on tonight.

"Hopefully not pneumonia. That could be the death of me," Ducky answers him.

"He's talking about the dead guy, Ducky," I inform him with a smile.

"Technically, paramedics have a saying concerning cold-water drowning, Agent Gibbs, Todd. They say the victim isn't dead until he's warm and dead," Jimmy informs us.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now