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Note: I apologizes that I am late posting this week. I went to town on Friday night to celebrating my 21st birthday that was Tuesday.

You would not have wanted me to put it up then because it's half-finished and no one will understand my drunk typing.

I'm sorry.

Thank you for your understanding and I hope I didn't disappoint you faithful readers.


"One and a half teaspoons is not sweet, McGee. I've seen my people pour three ounces of sugar into a one ounce espresso," Tony explains to McGee in the squad room today.

"Your people being Long Islanders?" McGee asks in confusion.

"Romans. Inventors of the grain harvester, the arch, modern plumbing."

"Plumbing? Oh, every time I flush I will think of you, Tony. You and your people."

"Don't you already? I do," I ask McGee making Tony glare at me.

"I would ask you to explain that, but I really don't want to know. And I definitely don't want to know what you're doing," Ziva states as she enters the squad room with this conversation.

"Making cappuccino, Ziva. And educating Probie as to what Italy has contributed to the world. Oration, Italian chima, sports cars," Tony defends his people and the conversation.

"Gold chains and chest hairs."

"And paster, in all its sexy shapes and sizes."

"The Chinese invented pasta."

"Communist-era propaganda."


Gibbs pov


"I assume Homeland Security has been informed... will they be raising the threat level...? You have my direct line," Shepard says into her phone before hanging up and informing me, "Orange."

"Army-Navy club is a high value target," I state as I look out her window over the navy yard. I am wearing a black shirt under a dark brown jacket.

"High value target? It's a terrorist dream. You can't slice a tee shot without hitting a congressmen or a general."

"Or a colonel."

"He was set to deploy tomorrow. At least he got to spend the last day with his son."

"That's one way of looking at it."


"Looks like we're late for the party," Tony comments as we exit our cars and see our crime scene at the golf course is covered in CID.

"Assume a hundred-meter blast radius from the sand trap," I order them as I stand next to my Alice.

"It's called a bunker, boss, not a sand trap. Blast radius a hundred meters! Got it, boss! Probie, you got the woods. I've got the far side," Tony orders McGee before leaving to do it.

"Ah," McGee begins as he looks at the woods.

"What's wrong, McGee?" Alice asks McGee in worry.

"Poison ivy, Alice. I just... I look at the stuff and I break out."

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now