Trojan Horse

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"These files have to be reviewed by Friday," Cynthia informs me as I watch the news of the latest war on the plasma in the director's office while holding my almost empty coffee. I am wearing a white shirt under a black shirt under a closely stripped black and white suit coat Alice brought me for my birthday. It makes me look thinner according to Alice but I think she'll say anything to get me to wear it to work. The coat looks grey unless you get close to me or the coat.

"Mm-hmm. I'll get to them," I promise her without turning around to face her at the director's off.

"Tomorrow's Friday," She reminds me making me squint at the TV for a second before turning it off and begin walking to the desk.

"I had a wad like you once, Cynthia. I divorced her," I inform her as I finish walking to the desk.

"Beat her to it, did you?" Cynthia asks me as I pick up my glasses, making me tap them on the desk before sitting down on the chair to read the reports. I put on my glasses before grabbing the first file, I look at the name of the lead investigator and sign it without reading the file, because I trust him. Making Cynthia exclaim, "You didn't read it."

"Scoletti case. I know the case agent. Jeff Gillman. He's a good agent," I inform her as I throw the file into the signed file.

"Director doesn't want Justice not going to trail because of a procedural error," Cynthia informs me as the door opens and Alice walks into the room with my new coffee.

"Oh, Cynthia, give it a break. He doesn't even read his own reports, I've been writing them since I was seventeen and he just signs them," Alice informs her as she walks over and hands me the new coffee that I happily take off of her lovely hands. Alice is wearing skin tight jeans that stop at her waisted, then she is wearing a red shirt that the shoulders are made out of lacy.

"Well, then the director should be here instead of shopping in Paris all week," I comment on Cynthia's comment while not conforming or denying that Alice has been writing my reports that long. Alice leans on the edge of the director's desk, making it so when I place the files on the signed file, I'll be running my hand along her ass, not that I mind.

"An Interpol antiterrorist conference isn't shopping."

"Yeah," I agree with her as I sign the next report while Alice steals one off my pile to read herself making me smirk because my girl is so noisy sometimes.

"You know him, too?" Cynthia demands of me while trying to take the file off of Alice but she just moves so she is behind me, leaning on the chair I am sitting in.

"Yep. Don't worry. Justice has its own procedural problems," I inform her as I place the file in the signed pile and pick up the next one only to not recognize the name making me ask, "Who's special agent Grisham?"

"Transferred in from San Diego."

"Hollywood Special Agent? There's a NCIS in Hollywood?" Alice asks him surprise making me hid a smile.

"Rejected," I inform Cynthia while handing her the file.

"You have to give a reason," Cynthia informs me, making me look up at her in silence that is broken by the phone ringing. Cynthia goes to answer but I put my hand over hers making her inform me, "It's her private line." I continue to stare at her making her give up and take the hand away so I can answer the phone.

"Hello Cynthia," Shepard says while I smile at Cynthia because I won. After a moment of silence Shepard says unsurely, "Hello, Cynthia?"

"No," I answer her.

"Jethro. I should have recognized the heavy breathing. Is the agency intact?"

"I cut it up into small bitsy pieces and sold it to the three-letter boys," I inform her making Alice laugh at me because I would do that to get out of the paperwork. Why didn't I think to have Alice do this paperwork? That is why the other director hired her in the first place.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now