Angel of Death

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"Okay, I know this looks a little weird, but I couldn't get my hands on a real polygraph machine, so I made one," Abby informs a shirtless McGee who is hooked up to a heap of wires in her lab while tied down to the chair he is sitting on.

"Does it electrocute him when he lies?" I ask her making Abby smile at me without answering me.

"Name?" Abby asks McGee but he hesitates making her demand, "Name! tell me your name."

"Stop acting like a Nazi. Come over here. Scratch my nose, please. Right side. Right side. Ow! God not so hard," McGee complains as Abby scratches his nose with some needle nose pliers for him.

"McGee, stop being such a baby. Name."

"Timothy McGee... no middle initial."

"Have you ever used an alias?"

"Does a nom de plume count?"

"It does."

"Thom E Gemcity."

"Any other names?"




"Okay, either you or my polygraph is lying. And since this is a machine and it can't lie...."

"HAL lied through his chops," Tony reminds her as Ziva and him enter the lab.

"I thought the expression was 'to lie through your teeth,'" Ziva comments in confusion.

"Hal, the computer. 2001? Si-fi classic?"

"How can a six-year-old movie be a classic?"

"The film that was made in 1968. 2001: a space odyssey directed by Stanley Kubrick. How long do you have to be in this country..."

"Guys. I'm trying to prep McGee for his polygraph on Monday," Abby cuts Tony off.

"Really? Well, unless you're a spy, McGeek, the thought of which is utterly ludicrous. What's the sweat?"

"He panics taking test," I explain before popping a piece of popcorn into my mouth.

"It's not uncommon," McGee defends himself while shrugging Tony's hand off of his chest where he is trying to remove one of the heart monitor's Abby placed on him.

"Started in kindergarten. Couldn't change his answer," Abby explains.

"Hard to erase crayon," Tony teases him.

"Tony, it's not funny. Retaining my Special Agent status is dependent on passing this polygraph," McGee hisses in fear.

"Oh, this is definitely a lie," Ziva points out the lie.

"What'd you ask him?" Tony asks us.

"His name," Abby and I inform him together.

"You lied about your name?" Ziva asks McGee.

"Not the first time... probably wouldn't be the last. Doesn't want us to find out about his other books," I inform them.

"No. Timothy McGee is my legal name. Thom E Gemcity is my pen name. I don't have any other names," McGee defends his lie.

"Probie," Gibbs calls out as he enters the lab.

"Yes boss?"

"And Elf Lord. Two other names," Gibbs adds, giving us the lie while walking behind Abby and me, into our personal space. He asks us, "Why are you torturing McGee?"

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