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"We're moving, DiNozzo," Gibbs informs Tony as our party of people walking to the garage because we're on security detail.

"Coming out," Tony says to him.

"We're on our way down," I inform them.

"Roger, Alice. The car's ready," McGee says.

"Check the exit," Gibbs orders McGee.

"On it," McGee says to us as we all walk toward the garage.

"Boss, hold on one second," McGee orders us making us all come to a stop.

"What do you got, McGee?" I ask him.

"I'm not sure."

"Talk to me, McGee," Gibbs orders McGee but instead of an answer all we hear is gun fire. Making Gibbs orders us, "Go! Go! Go! Get him out of here! Through the front entrance! Go! Go! Go! Go!" We run out front and get the guy into a car as Gibbs and I run to the exist with our weapons at the ready. We get over to McGee how is checking a man's pulse before looking at us in horror.


"You find a weapon?" Ducky asks us in the alley way were McGee shot the guy.

"Nope," Gibbs answer him.

"We're done. Let's bag him and tag him, Mister Palmer."

"Yes, sir," Jimmy says while getting ready.

"Do you think Mister Ryan was connected in any way to the death threat on the Chief of Naval Operations?"

"Gonna find out," I answer him.

"It came from a human rights group protesting marine abuse of prisoners at Gitmo," Gibbs informs Ducky while adding to my comment.

"It's ironic, isn't it? A human rights group threatening to kill?" Ducky laughs at the situation.

"Yeah, it's no different than a right-to-lifer bombing a family planning clinic, Duck."

"Yes, we live in interesting times, Jethro."

"You think, Duck?"

"Way to go, Probie! Three shots, three hits. I guess my instruction on the range paid off, huh?" Tony teases McGee.

"Tony, I killed somebody, okay?" McGee exclaims in shock.

"What about the CNO?" I ask them in the hopes of getting it off McGee until he's pulled out of the shock.

"Secured at home," Ziva informs me.

"Doubled his security detail," Tony adds.

"Did you find his weapon?" McGee begs of us.

"No," I state.

"It's got to be here. I identified myself as a Federal officer. He fired at me. I returned fire. The SUV drove off. Hiss weapon has got to be here."

"The SUV, McGee. Did you get the colour?" Gibbs asks him.

"Number?" I add.


"Dark blue or black. Virginia plate. First two numbers eight nine. I don't know the model," McGee informs us.

"Ziva, get out a BOLO," Gibbs orders her.

"On just that?" Ziva asks making Gibbs glare at her for questioning him. Making her add, "Right. BOLO."

"Hang on. Hey, I want to know everything about this guy. McGee, go back to where you fired from. DiNozzo!" Gibbs orders us before yelling at McGee, "Show me, McGee!"

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now