Faking It

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"How would you know?" McGee asks Ziva as they walk into the squad room this morning.

"Know what?" Tony asks them.

"When an expert liar is telling Ziva a lie."

"And this started how?" I ask them in confusion.

"Well, I told her that I went to the gum this morning."


"No great skill in guessing you were fibbing there, probie. You may have lost some weight, and personally I am very proud of you. But gym is definitely not your middle name," Tony agrees with me and Ziva while belittling McGee.

"Okay, well, Ziva thinks that all men are liars."

"Really? So if I were to lie to you, you would be able to tell?"

"Particularly you," Ziva laughs at Tony.

"You think?"

"I wouldn't go there, Tony," McGee warns him making me smirk; this is going to be good.

"Oh, watch and weep. True or false? I had eggs for breakfast this morning."

"True," Ziva answers him.

"Lucky guess. Last night I had a date with a very beautiful woman."


"She's good," Tony complements Ziva to McGee before saying his last question, "My first car was a shiny new red Corvette."

"False. Strike three. I win."

"What about me? Can you tell is I am lying?" I ask Ziva making her turn from Tony to me.


"I haven't had breakfast yet today."


"I first started drinking coffee at the age of eighteen."


"I have had a threesome," I say as I stare into her eyes with a smirk making the boys grin like two year olds.

"True. Strike three. I win."

"I had breakfast today, bacon at the coffee shop. I started drinking coffee at the age of eighteen months. I have never had a threesome. Strike three, I win," I inform her the truth making everyone look surprised because I lied to Ziva without trouble until I remind them, "I tricked you on who I was dating for over a year. This was nothing."

"How did... how did you do that?" Tony asks Ziva once they get over the shock that I lied to Ziva without her releasing.

"When you said you had a red Corvette, you looked down and to the left. A tell-tale sign when people lie. Something Alice seems to have overcome," Ziva explains.

"And the date?"

"Tony, if you had a date, we would have heard everything from her hair colour to how she feels as you fuck her," I remind him.

"Tony, if you'd gone out with a beautiful woman last night, you would have talked about it all day," Ziva explains.

"I would?" Tony asks in surprise.

"Location?" Gibbs says into his phone from outside the squad room but near to us.

"Oh, yeah," McGee agrees with us.

"Okay, but do you possibly know that I had eggs for breakfast this morning?" Tony asks in confusion making me smirk.

"Gear up. We have a message from a dead guy," Gibbs informs us as he moves into the squad room and over to his desk.

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