Dead Man Walking

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"How much?" Tony asks Ziva about McGee's latest new thing, which is a new jacket. We are sitting in the squad room. I am sitting at my desk, looking over cold cases without really paying too much attention to the two children across the room from me. I am wearing a red shirt tucked into blue, flare bottom jeans held up with my horse belt. I have my combat boots on and my black leather jacket is sitting over the back of my chair.

"Don't know," Ziva answers him.

"Come on! Take a guess."

"I don't know."

"Then we're just going to have to settle this with facts. I am googling 'men's jacket.' What would you say it was made of? It felt like butter," Tony asks as he moves over to his computer to google it.

"Lambskin," Ziva answers him.

"Who's the designer?"

Why do you assume I know?"


"Because? Because I'm a woman? Because I am Jewish?"

"Because you're a great detective."

"Because you have a photographic memory thing," I overlap Tony.

"True. McGee flashed the label when he showed us his lining. Armani," Ziva informs Tony as she moves over to her desk and sits down.

"Anything else?" Tony asks her.

"Lizard-embossed trim, a two-way zipper, and a chest pocket."

"Found it! It's from the Armani Two thousand seven resort collection. You can purchase it for..."

"Two thousand dollars. They say the clothes make the man."

"Hmm. He's not a man, he's a McGee."

"Either way, where is he?" Gibbs demands as he makes his way over to his desk and sits down. Gibbs is wearing a white shirt under a navy shirt, with a grey jacket and another black jacket over his chair for when we leave the building.

"Um... over there. Overdressed," Tony points out the geek who is quickly walking over with a sickly looking man.

"Jealous you can't afford the coat too?" I tease Tony as the sickly guy begins coughing. McGee talk to the man softly and the sickly man grabs McGee's arm and new jacket to hold himself up on his feet.

"Who is McGee escorting?" Ziva asks us in confusion.

"I don't know. Never seen him before," Tony admits.

"SO it's not your new girlfriend then Tony?" I tease my friend.

"Not this time," Tony answers me with a fake smile.

"This is Special Agent Gibbs," McGee introduces the sickly man to Gibbs.

"Lieutenant Sanders, sir. I need you to investigate a murder," the sickly man, Sanders, informs Gibbs straight up.

"Whose?" Gibbs asks as he leans back in his chair.

"Mine," Sanders answers us after a moment as he removes his hat, showing us that his hair is falling out.


"Ducky figure out what's wrong with Lieutenant Sanders, Boss?" Tony asks us as we return to the squad room from autopsy.

"No, he's still examining him. Thinks it could be radiation poisoning," Gibbs informs them.

"Do we know how he was exposed?" Ziva asks us hopefully.

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