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"Give me a dollar!" Abby demands of McGee as she storms into the squad room, clenching a dollar in one hand and a candy bar in the other. I look up from my computer in confusion, something is happening and I don't know what or if I want to know.

"Okay. What's wrong with that one?" McGee asks her when he goes to get his money only to see her dollar in her hand.

"The machine wouldn't take it, and I want a candy bar!"

"What's wrong with hat candy bar?"

"It has nougat in it!"

"What? You hate nougat."

"I know!! It was a mistake, McGee! Do you have a dollar?" Abby shouts at him.

"All I have are big bills."

"What is nougat?" Ziva asks in confusion.

"It's whipped dolphin fat," Tony begins.

"NO, that's the filling in clownie cake," McGee cuts Tony off.

"That's a myth!" Abby corrects them both. She then shouts, "Would someone please give me a dollar?"

"Sure, I've got one," Tony says after a long beat of silence.

"Thanks. God, it's like some kind of crime to not like nougat," Abby exclaims as she snatches the dollar and storms off without giving Tony her dollar.

"I don't even know what nougat is," Ziva complains.

"Join the club... just ignore them and they loose interest in not explain it faster," I inform Ziva as I point to the boys.

"It's a cream made from sugar, honey and nots. Grab your gear. We have an explosion at Marine's funeral in J. Hoover National," Gibbs inform us as he walks into the squad room.

"Did anyone else see what just happened there with Abby?" McGee asks us as we get our gear.

"Yeah. She stole my dollar," Tony complains as we leave with Gibbs.


"Last one to the party," Ziva complains when we get to the outside of the mausoleum that the explosion happened at to see everyone from the locals to the bomb squad is here.

"It's not really a party until the bomb squad says it is," Tony informs her.

"What'd you find?" Gibbs asks the bomb squad boss.

"We've got nothing. No ordnance. No residue. No electronics. No time device. No wiring. No remote. No evidence of a bomb," Trask, the bomb squad boss, informs us.

"Except for the explosion," Ziva reminds him.

"You've got two employees injured. Both bets. They were taken tot eh V.A. with concussions and shrapnel wounds."

"You got manes?" Tony asks him.

"Former Lance Corporal Lloyd Jackson, thirty-six. And PFC Kenneth Dixon, twenty-five."

"The veterans keep getting younger," Gibbs complains.

"Yeah, the kid they were burying is only twenty-two. It's a family crypt."

"Tandem," I ask him about the name on the crypt.

"His grandfather was in the back slot. Still there as far as we could tell."

"Are your men clear?" Gibbs asks him.

"Bio reading are clean. Air's safe to breathe, not that I would recommend it."

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now