Hiatus (1)

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"This is so Usual Suspect!" Tony exclaims as we sit in the car at night watch the boat Gibbs is on board doing a passport check.

"Tony, your dying works will be 'I've seen this film,'" Ziva teases him.

"It almost was," I correct her making Tony give me a look as I take a sip of my coffee, I need one if I'm dealing with Tony in a confined space for a long period of time.

"Gibbs even looks a little like Gabriel Byrne," Tony continues to talk about the movie while smirking at my comment.

"Okay. Who is Gabriel Byrne?" Ziva asks while falling into Tony's trap.

"An actor who boards a mysterious ship like this one searching for Keyser Sose."

"Another actor?"

"No. Keyser Sose is a character in the film who may or may not exist."

"I'm confused,"

"I thought you were Bitch. We can't change your name now," I inform her making Tony laugh at me.

"So am I. and I saw the DVD twice," McGee agrees with Ziva from beside me on the back seat.

"The sound of music confuses you, probie!" Tony informs him.

"I love that movie!" Ziva exclaims before opening her mouth to sing but Tony covers it with his hand.

"One note and I will lock you in a room and make you listen to 'it's a small world' for twenty-four hours straight! Do we understand each other?"



"He looks from the broken coffee cup on the floor. He looks to the photo on the wall. Looks," Tony rambles about some movies but I'm not paying attention to him. He is cut off as the ship explodes.

"Jethro," I yell, not knowing is he is still on the ship or he got off. My heart stopped and I don't know if it would ever start again, I need Gibbs and he... he might be on a burning ship, leaving me behind, and going to meet Kate again and I can't live with that. I wouldn't survive his death.


"What do we got?" A doctor, Tolliver, asks as Gibbs is rolled through the hospital corridor and I follow him without knowing what is going on, I'm in shock and I want Gibbs to be okay, or I'll kill him. Tony ordered me to go with Gibbs when he released I wouldn't be any help with him until Gibbs is back on his feet and drinking coffee or stable. Gibbs looks like hell; his face is cut, bruised, burnt and swollen but he is conscious but not responding to anything, just looking around. I want to hold him and make it better but I am staying as much out of the way as I can.

"Blast victim. Superficial burns and abrasions. Pressure is steady," the Paramedic informs him making me feel slightly better but not much.

"Got a name?"

"Gibbs. He's a NCIS agent," I inform him with my voice breaking slightly.

"All right, my count on three. One, two, three!" Tolliver calls before they pull Gibbs from the paramedic bed onto a hospital bed. He shines a torch in Gibbs eyes while talking to him, "Agent Gibbs!" Toliver continues when we are in a trauma bay and I am standing against the flimsy fabric wall so they can work and I can see my man, I need to see his chest raising and falling to calm myself, "G-C-S is less than eight. Let's intubate. Twenty milligrams of etomidate. A hundred of succinylcholine."

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now